To remove the sample cluster, To remove the sample – Sun Microsystems 2005Q2 User Manual

Page 35

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3. Uninstall the Application Server.

In a Solaris or Linux Java Enterprise System installation, run

and follow the steps in the

uninstallation wizard.

In a Windows Java Enterprise System installation, use the Control Panel’s
Add/Remove Programs item. Choose Sun Java Enterprise Systems and click

In a Solaris or Linux standalone Application Server installation, run
install_dir/uninstall and follow the steps in the uninstallation wizard.

In a Windows standalone Application Server instance, from the Start menu,
choose Programs

Sun Microsystems Application Server EE Uninstall.

4. If you created a new Web Server instance for this exercise, delete it:

a. Log on to the Web Server’s Administration Console.

b. Stop the instance.

c. Delete the instance.

5. To unsinstall the Web Server product, run the uninstall program from the


To Remove the Sample Cluster

Use this procedure to remove only the FirstCluster (the sample highly-available
cluster) and the sample application used during this exercise.

1. Stop the Application Server processes and clean up configuration:

asadmin stop-cluster FirstCluster

asadmin remove-ha-cluster --hosts



Replace the hadb_hostname variable with the host name of the machine where
HADB is to run. If you are using just one machine, you must name it twice.

asadmin disable-http-lb-server FirstCluster

asadmin delete-http-lb-ref --config MyLbConfig FirstCluster

asadmin delete-http-lb-config MyLbConfig

asadmin delete-instance i1

asadmin delete-instance i2

asadmin delete-cluster FirstCluster

asadmin undeploy clusterjsp


Chapter 2 • Quick Start for Setting Up High Availability Failover