Chapter 2 – Sun Microsystems 2005Q2 User Manual
Page 25

Quick Start for Setting Up High
Availability Failover
With the configuration used in the previous chapter, if a server instance goes down,
users lose session state. This section, the second of two advanced topics, provides the
steps for installing the high-availability database (HADB), creating a highly available
cluster, and testing HTTP session persistence.
Application Server supports both HTTP session persistence and persistence for
Stateful Session Beans. The procedures in this chapter cover HTTP session persistence.
These steps assume you have already performed the steps in the previous sections of
this Quick Start. The steps are presented in the order that you should complete them.
Note –
Completing this section may require additional hardware resources.
This topic contains the following sections:
“About High Availability Clusters and HADB” on page 26
“HADB Preinstallation Steps” on page 26
“Configuring a Cluster and Application for High Availability” on page 30
“Restarting the Cluster” on page 31
“Verifying HTTP Session Failover” on page 32