Setting up load balancing – Sun Microsystems 2005Q2 User Manual

Page 17

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Replace the localhost variable with the name of the system that the Domain Admin
Server is running on.

Replace the port variable with the value of HTTP-LISTENER-PORT for i1. This
example uses http://localhost:38081/clusterjsp.

2. Add some session attribute data.

3. Examine the Session and Host information displayed. For example:

Executed From Server:


Server Port Number: 38081

Executed Server IP Address:

Session Created: Day Mon 05 14:55:34 PDT 2005

4. Add some session data and click the Add to Session button.

5. Repeat this procedure for instance i2 by typing this URL in your browser:


localhost :38080/clusterjsp

In this section you deployed an application to a cluster and tested that the
application is available on all instances in the cluster.

Congratulations! You have completed the basic steps in this Quick Start Guide. You
can stop the Quick Start trail here if you do not wish to proceed to the advanced

Setting up Load Balancing

A load balancer is typically deployed in front of a cluster. It:

Allows an application or service to be scaled horizontally across multiple physical
(or logical) hosts yet still presents the user with a single URL

Insulates the user from host failures or server crashes, when it is used with session

Enhances security by hiding the internal network from the user

Application Server includes load balancing plug-ins for popular web servers like
Apache, Microsoft Windows IIS, and Sun Java™ System Web Server.

This section provides instructions on how to download and set up the Web Server
software to act as a load balancer to the cluster of Application Servers. To complete
this section, you must have sufficient memory to run a Web Server on your system in
addition to the Domain Administration Server and the two Application Server
instances you have created so far in this guide. A system with 512 Mbytes to 1024
Mbytes of memory is recommended to complete this section.

Chapter 1 • Quick Start