13 pump mana ge ment 49, Room tem pe ra tu re-de pen dent con trol 49, Pump management – Samson Trovis 5100 User Manual
Page 49: 12 room temperature-dependent control

Parameter level / Range of values
Day set point
20 °C
PA1, 2, 3 / 10 to 90 °C
5.12 Room temperature-dependent control
In systems Anl 6 and 9, the Room temperature-dependent control function can be separately
activated for each heating circuit. The Room sensor function must be activated for this function.
Flow and return flow sensors only serve to display the temperature and can therefore be deacti-
The outdoor sensors are not required for the room control function, but are still required for the
Frost protection
function. The outdoor sensor AF1 can also be deactivated if all the control cir-
cuits are configured as room control circuits.
Activation of the room control function causes the control parameters to be automatically set to
the following settings:
(reset time) = 1617 s, T
(derivative-action time) = 330 s, K
(proportional gain) = 20
With the aid of Parameter optimization (Co1, 2, 3 -> Fb16 = ON), these settings are opti-
mized. This, however, requires a constant room temperature at the time when the function is ac-
tivated and a temperature difference between the current room temperature and the new room
set point of at least 3 °C.
In room control circuits, the heating circuit pump is switched on during the advance heating
A fictive flow set point is reported to master controller in case there is a demand for an exter-
nally required signal when the room control function is active. This set point is calculated from
the characteristic and outdoor temperature and adapted to the actual demand over adaptation
and flash adaptation.
The fictive flow set point has no effect on mixer circuits and blinks on the display. Just the third
type of optimization is permitted when the room control is active.
The frost protection cannot function without an outdoor sensor.
EB 5179 EN