12 room tem pe ra ture-depen dent con trol 48, Adap ta ti on 48, Flash adap ta ti on 48 – Samson Trovis 5100 User Manual
Page 48: Out door tem pe ra tu re de pen dent 48, Room temperature-dependent control, 10 flash adaptation, 11 adaptation

Parameter level / Range of values
Day set point
20 °C
PA1, 2, 3 / 10 to 90 °C
Night set point
17 °C
PA1, 2, 3 / 10 to 90 °C
Sustained temperature
10 °C
PA1, 2, 3 / 10 to 90 °C
5.10 Flash adaptation
Direct reactions to deviations in room temperature can be achieved using the function block set-
ting: Co1, 2, 3 -> Fb08 = ON.
Flash adaptation counteracts room temperature deviations by increasing or decreasing the flow
temperature by up to 30 °C. The shift is displayed under
Level in PA1, 2, 3 parameter levels; it
cannot be altered. The set point correction over remote room panel is not possible.
Cooling loads, such as drafts or open windows, affect the control process!
Rooms may be temporarily overheated when the cooling load has been eliminated!
Room sensor RF1, 2, 3
Co1, 2, 3 -> Fb00 = ON
Flash adaptation
Co1, 2, 3 -> Fb08 = ON
5.11 Adaptation
The controller is capable of automatically adapting the heating characteristic to the building
characteristics, provided a gradient characteristic has been set (Co1, 2, 3 -> Fb10 = OFF). The
reference room, where the room sensor is located, represents the entire building and is moni-
tored to ensure that the
Day set point is maintained. When the mean measured room tempera-
ture in rated operation deviates from the adjusted set point, the heating characteristic is modi-
fied accordingly for the following time-of-use. The corrected value is displayed in PA1, 2, 3 pa-
rameter levels under
Gradient, flow.
Room sensor RF1, 2, 3
Co1, 2, 3 -> Fb00 = ON
Outdoor sensor AF1, 2, 3
Co1, 2, 3 -> Fb02 = ON
Co1, 2, 3 -> Fb07 = ON
4-point characteristic
Co1, 2, 3 -> Fb10 = OFF
EB 5179 EN
Functions of the DHW circuit