3 dial-up network, 4 capi applications – Siemens I-SURF User Manual

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11. Troubleshooting


11.3 Dial-Up Network

If you wish to use the ISDN Adapter with the Windows Dial-Up Network, you will first
have to configure a connection. Once a connection is configured, click the
connection icon to establish the connection. The current connection status will be
displayed in the status window. Error messages indicating possible causes of the
error will be displayed in case a connection cannot be established.

Connection broken before “Verifying user name and password” is shown

If the connection is broken before the message "Verifying user name and password"
appears, no ISDN connection could be established with the server. Use the
loopback test to check whether the ISDN Adapter and ISDN access work properly.
Also, check that you are using the correct access number for your server. If using a
PABX, it may be necessary to dial "0" or "9" before the number. Try calling a
different server (test server) known to be fully functional.

Connection broken after “Verifying user name and password” is shown

If the connection is broken before the message "Verifying user name and password"
appears, an ISDN connection was established with the server. If problems occur
after this point, they may be related to the network configuration or the server
configuration. Contact the server's PC or LAN administrator.

11.4 CAPI Applications

If you experience problems with CAPI applications, you should first perform the
loopback test. If the test was passed, all CAPI applications should operate properly.
However, the following exceptions might apply to your case:

The CAPI application may use a B channel protocol not supported by
the ISDN Adapter. A list of supported protocols is found in the

The CAPI application may use the CAPI.VxD or CAPI.SYS kernel
mode drivers instead of the CAPI3220.DLL user mode driver. The
kernel mode drivers are not tested by the loopback test. Contact your
application manufacturer’s customer support.