Sun Microsystems SUN STORAGETEK VSM GUI User Manual

Page 32

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14 VSM GUI Getting Started Guide • July 2007

Rev A • 312651601

To set up the SMP/E environment and install the software:

1. Customize the installation jobs.

You can do this manually with an editor, but it is recommended that you use the

provided ISPF edit macro




REXX exec for automated updates of

an individual member or all members.

Before use, first copy these two members to a library in your



then change the job settings in


to the appropriate settings for the site. Then

to update a member just invoke


within the member or to change all members,

from TSO or ISPF Option 6, enter:
@SKURUN smpejcl_dataset_name @SKUEDIT


contains information describing its use.

2. Build the SMP/E database.

Run the following customized members:


Allocate and initialize the SMP/E data sets.


Define and update each zone.


Define the required DDDEFs for each zone.

This job may end with return code 4.
SMP/E warning code of GIM27701W is normal and expected for new SMP/E

environments where there is no definition yet defined. The SMP/E Replace command

will be changed to an Add command automatically.

3. Define DDDEFs and allocate the target and distribution data sets.

Run the following customized members:


Define the DDDEFs.

This job may end with return code 4.
SMP/E warning code of GIM27701W is normal and expected for new SMP/E

environments where there is no definition yet defined. The SMP/E Replace

command will be changed to an Add command automatically.


Allocate the HTTPD target and distribution data sets.

Do not run this job if you already have the HTTPD server installed (e.g., as part of

the ExPR GUI).


Allocate VSM GUI Web content target and distribution data sets.

4. Run the following as required for your installation media:

TAPE ONLY: Run customized member I4RCV to RECEIVE the HTTPD, SAS/C and

Modify this job to exclude the SSKY500 and ASAR700 FMIDs if you already have the

HTTPD server and SAS/C run time received in your SMP/E environment.

CD-ROM ONLY: Run customized member NETVGUI to RECIEVE from a network-

mounted CD-ROM the HTTPD, SAS/C, required PTFs for HTTPD and SAS/C and

Modify this job to exclude the SSKY500 and ASAR700 FMIDs if you already have the

HTTPD server and SAS/C run time received in your SMP/E environment.
Modify this job to exclude the PTFs already applied in your SMP/E environment.