Intel ARCHITECTURE IA-32 User Manual
Page 157

General Optimization Guidelines
Memory routines in the runtime library generated by Intel Compilers are
optimized across wide range of address alignment, counter values, and
microarchitectures. In most cases, applications should take advantage of
the default memory routines provided by Intel Compilers.
Table 2-5
Using REP STOSD with Arbitrary Count Size and 4-Byte-Aligned
A ‘C’ example of Memset()
Equivalent Implementation Using REP STOSD
void memset(void *dst,int
c,size_t size)
char *d = (char *)dst;
size_t i;
for (i=0;i *d++ = (char)c; } push edi movzx eax,byte ptr [esp+12] mov ecx,eax shl ecx,8 or ecx,eax mov ecx,eax shl ecx,16 or eax,ecx mov edi,[esp+8] : 4-byte aligned mov ecx,[esp+16] ; byte count shr ecx,2 ; do dword cmp ecx,127 jle _main test edi,4 jz _main stosd ; peel off one dword dec ecx _main: ; 8-byte aligned rep stosd mov ecx,[esp + 16] and ecx,3 ; do count <= 3 rep stosb ; optimal with <= 3 pop edi ret