Cdvsc7 & cdv7 series gas fireplace – Monessen Hearth CDVR33N/PV7;N/PE7;N/PSC7 User Manual
Page 23

CDVSC7 & CDV7 Series Gas Fireplace
VenTInG InSTallaTIon
Step 6
Use appropriate length of pipe sections - telescopic or
fixed - and install. The sections which go through the wall
are packaged with the starter kit, and can be cut to suit if
Sealing vent pipe and firestop gaps with high tem-
perature sealant will restrict cold air being drawn in
around fireplace.
Step 7
Guide the vent terminations 4” and 7” collard into their
respective vent pipes. Double check that the vent pipes
overlap the collars by ” (51 mm). Secure the termina-
tion to the wall with screws provided and caulk around
the wall plate to weatherproof. As an alternative to screw-
ing the termination directly to the wall, you may also use
expanding plugs or an approved exterior construction ad-
hesive. You may also attach the termination with screws
through the inner body into the 4” vent pipe, however for
this method, you must extend the 4” pipe approximately
6” (15 mm) beyond the outer face of the wall.
Support horizontal pipes every 36” (914
mm) with metal pipe straps.
VeRTICal SIDewall InSTallaTIon -
Flex VenT pIpe
noTe: The 40” (1016 mm) flex vent is used for 90° off the
top of the unit then out the back wall.
Follow Step 1 and on Page .
Step 3
Install the four (4) spacer springs on the 4” flex vent pipe.
When installing the spacer springs around the 4” pipe,
stretch the spring to approximately 15” (381 mm), wrap
the spring around the pipe and interlock the ends of the
spacer spring approximately ” (51 mm). Measure 6C\v”
(17 mm) from the end of the pipe. Place the next spring
5” (17 mm) from the previously installed spring. Place
the next spring 6” (15 mm) from the last spring. Finally
place the last spring 1” (305 mm) from the last spring
installed. Figure 29
Step 4
Install the 4” (10 mm) flex vent pipe to the appliance col-
lar as described on Page 14. Secure the end with the first
spring 6C\v” (17 mm) from the flex pipe end to the unit.
Step 5
Slide the 7” (178 mm) flex vent pipe over the 4” flex vent
pipe and secure the 7” collar as described on Page 14.
spacer springs
4/04 djt
4” Flex Vent Pipe
Spacer Spring
Figure 29 -
Install Spacer Springs
Step 6
Bend the flex pipe horizontal so the bottom of the horizon-
tal pipe measure 6Z\x” (165 mm) from the top of the unit
immediately after the 90° formation. Figure 30. Be sure to
follow the 1/” (13 mm) rise in a 1” (305 mm) horizontal
run rule.
Step 7
Install the 4” flex then 7” flex to the termination.
6Z\x" (165mm)
flex 90 bend
4/04 djt
Figure 30 -
Bend flex vent at 90° so horizontal portion is 6Z\x” (165
mm) off top of unit