Brick, light bulb, and lens placement – Monessen Hearth KHLDV400 User Manual
Page 44

KHLDV Series Gas Fireplace
FInaL InStaLLatIOn
rOcK wOOL pLaceMent
1. Place rock wool on the front burner to provide glowing
embers. For best results, pull the rock wool apart into
dime size pieces and place on top of burner. Also place
the same size ember over the carry over parts on the rear
burner. Do nOt place embers over open slots on the
rear burner.
2. Distribute one layer of rock wool to cover the burner.
Figure 62
3. Place the logs on the burner. See Log Placement below.
Light unit and after 15 minutes, check burner flame and
glow. Refer to Burner Flame, Page 50.
ember placement
Figure 62 -
Rockwool placement
BrIcK, LIGHt BuLB, anD LenS pLaceMent
1. Remove the trapezoidal light shroud located at the back of the firebox by unfastening the three screws.
2. Disassemble the trapezoidal light shroud by unfastening the four screws which secure the front to the back.
Set lens with the orange painted surface toward the bottom. Center the lens right to left. Reassemble the
front to the back and set the side.
3. Place the right side panel by sliding it at an angle to clear the grate. Set the panel straight up and bring
forward until it comes in contact with the reverse bend located at the front of the firebox. Use one of the
brackets and screws provided to secure the panel in place.
4. Place the rear lower panel by setting it over the channel behind the light socket. Make sure the grout line
lines up with the one on the side.
5. nOte: Have the left panel bracket and screw handy before installing the rear upper panel in place.
Place the rear upper panel in place by resting it over the rear lower panel and sliding it behind the right side
panel. While holding the rear upper panel in place, slide the left panel at an angle to clear the grate. Set
the left side panel straight up and release the rear upper panel. Secure the left side panel in place using
the second bracket and screw provided in the kit.
6. Place the front hearth brick simultaneously and pull toward the front away from the burner. This is critical
for balancing air flow around the front burner.
7. Install the halogen light bulb provided with the unit (inside the log set). Do not touch light bulb directly with
8. Replace the trapezoidal light shroud removed in step #1 by sliding it over the light bulb and sockets. Be
careful not to damage the light bulb. Align the holes on the deflector with the hole on the rear channel and
secure in place.
Figure 61 -
Light Wiring Diagram for Millivolt Unit
Do not use the entire bag of rock wool to cover
the burner. this could cause the flame to burn
poorly and may lead to sooting.
Junction Box
Millivolt light wiring