Setup – Multiquip TRASH PUMP (hatz 1B40u-2203a diesel engine) Qp4tZt10p User Manual
Page 18

page 18 — qp4TzT10p/TMp16F/TMpXF Trash puMp • operaTion & parTs Manual — rev. #1 (08/29/11)
BeFore sTarTing
1. Read safety instructions at the beginning of manual.
2. Move the trailer as near to the water as possible.
3. To prime pump, remove fill cap (Figure 3) and fill pump
casing with water. If the pump casing is not filled with
water before starting, it will not begin pumping.
4. Check for leaks between pump and engine. If water
is leaking between the pump and engine housing,
the seal inside the pump may be worn or damaged.
Continued operation of the pump is not recommended.
Further usage of the pump under these conditions may
cause severe water damage to engine.
hoses anD ClaMps
1. Check that all hoses are securely attached to the pump.
Make certain suction hose (Figure 3) does not have
any air leakage. Tighten hose clamps and couplings
as required.
2. It is recommended that 2 clamps be used when
securing the suction hose to the inlet side (suction)
of the pump.
3. Remember suction hoses must be rigid enough not to
collapse when the pump is in operation.
4. Check that the discharge hose (Figure 3) is not
restricted. Place hose so that it lays as straight as it is
possible on the ground. Remove any twists or sharp
bends from hose which may block the flow of water.
Pump casing must be filled with water before using
pump. Otherwise pump will not be able to begin
DO NOT open fill cap if pump is hot! Water inside may be
under pressure.
Suction and discharge hoses are available from
Multiquip. Contact your nearest dealer for more
6. The discharge hose is usually a collapsible (thin-
walled) hose, however if a thin-walled discharge hose
is not available, a rigid suction hose can be substituted
in its place.
7. Make sure the suction strainer (Figure 3) is clean
and securely attached to the water end of the suction
hose. The strainer is designed to protect the pump
by preventing large objects from being pulled into the
The strainer should be positioned so it will remain
completely under water. Running the pump with the
strainer above water for long periods can damage the
DO NOT pump flammable fluids, corrosive chemicals
or fluids containing toxic substances. These fluids can
create potentially dangerous health and environmental
hazards. Contact local authorities for assistance.
This pump uses a water-cooled mechanical seal
to prevent water from seeping into the engine. The
passage of water through the pump casing lubricates
the seal and prevents it from overheating. NEVER
operate the pump without water in the casing as this
will cause damage to the mechanical seal.