Control assignment list, Page 3 – M-AUDIO Axiom Pro User Manual
Page 34

Param. A
Param B
Param C
Param D
Global Param Set
Value (-4 through +4)
This parameter lets you use a button or drum pad to quickly change the Octave shift setting on the Edit Mode > Global page to a specific value.
Value (-12 through +12
This parameter lets you use a button or drum pad to quickly change the Transpose setting on the Edit Mode > Global page to a specific value.
Value (1-16)
This parameter lets you use a button or drum pad to quickly change the Global MIDI Channel setting on the Edit Mode > Global page to a specific value.
Value (0-127)
Entry (DEC, HEX)
This parameter lets you use a button or drum pad to quickly change the Program setting on the Edit Mode > Global page and transmit that Program change message.
Bank LSB
Value (0-127)
Entry (DEC, HEX)
This parameter lets you use a button or drum pad to quickly change the Bank LSB setting on the Edit Mode > Global page and transmit that Bank LSB change message.
Bank MSB
Value (0-127)
Entry (DEC, HEX)
This parameter lets you use a button or drum pad to quickly change the Bank MSB setting on the Edit Mode > Global page and transmit that Bank MSB change message.
Value (0-50)
This parameter lets you use a button or drum pad to quickly change the Patch setting on the Edit Mode > Global page and load that Axiom Pro patch.
Vel. Curve
(Low, Low-Normal, Normal, Normal-High, High, Linear, Low
Range, Mid Range, High Range, Fixed 64, Fixed 100, Fixed 127,
Fixed Control)
This parameter lets you use a button or drum pad to quickly change the Vel Curve (Keys) setting on the Edit Mode > Global page.
Voice recall
1-16, Zone 1-4,
Group, Global
Bank LSB (0-127)
Bank MSB (0-127)
Program (0-127)
Entry (DEC, HEX)
This parameter lets you use a button or drum pad to recall a specific preset within your virtual instrument or sound module
Toggle MIDI CC
1-16, Zone 1-4,
Group, Global
Press 2 (0-127)
Press 1 (0-127)
CC# (0-127)
Entry (DEC, HEX)
This parameter lets your selected button or drum pad toggle between two CC values. For example, if the “MIDI CC” parameter is assigned to “64” (Sustain), and the
Press 1 is assigned to “127” whereas the “Press 2” parameter is set to “0”, your button or drum pad can be used to simulate the functionality of a sustain pedal. One press
will engage, while pressing the button again will disengage MIDI sustain.
1-16, Zone 1-4,
Group, Global
Off Vel (0-127)
On Vel (0-127)
Note (C-2 through G8)
Entry (DEC, HEX)
This parameter lets your selected button or drum pad generate a MIDI note. The “On Vel” number determines the velocity of the note whereas the “Off Vel” determines
the release velocity when the button or drum pad is released. In many cases, the “Off Vel” parameter should be set to “0” to generate a regular “note off” command.
Note OnOff toggle
1-16, Zone 1-4,
Group, Global
Off Vel (0-127)
On Vel (0-127)
Note (C-2 through G8)
Entry (DEC, HEX)
This parameter lets your selected button or drum pad toggle between two MIDI note values. For example, if the “Note” parameter is set to “C-1,” while “Press 1” is set
to “127” and “Press 2” is set to “0”, you can tap the pad once to trigger the note and tap it a second time to stop the note.
MMC Command
Type (0-127)
Entry (DEC, HEX)
This parameter lets your selected control generate a MIDI Machine Control (MMC) command
3=Deferred Play
6=Record Strobe
7=Record Exit
8=Record Pause
12= Command Error Reset
13=MMC Reset
Reverb type GM2
Type (0-127)
Entry (DEC, HEX)
This parameter lets your selected controller adjust the reverb type of your GM2-compatible software or sound module. This parameter may not function properly if your
MIDI device does not support the GM2 (General MIDI 2) specification.
Reverb time GM2
Time (0-127)
Entry (DEC, HEX)
This parameter lets your selected controller adjust the reverb time on your GM2-compatible software or sound module. This parameter may not function properly if your
MIDI device does not support the GM2 (General MIDI 2) specification.
Chorus type GM2
Type (0-127)
Entry (DEC, HEX)
This parameter lets your selected controller adjust the chorus type of your GM2-compatible software or sound module. This parameter may not function properly if your
MIDI device does not support the GM2 (General MIDI 2) specification.
MIDI CC Value -
1-16, Zone 1-4,
Group, Global
Start (0-127)
End (0-127)
CC# (0-127)
Entry (DEC, HEX)
This parameter lets you use a button or drum pad to decrement your selected MIDI CC each time that button or drum pad is tapped.
MIDI CC Value +
1-16, Zone 1-4,
Group, Global
Start (0-127)
End (0-127)
CC# (0-127)
Entry (DEC, HEX)
This parameter lets you use a button or drum pad to increment your selected MIDI CC each time that button or drum pad is tapped.
Global Param -
Octave, Transpose, Channel, Program, Bank LSB,
Bank MSB, Patch, Vel. Curve
This parameter lets your selected control decrement the selected global parameter each time that button or drum pad is tapped.
Global Param +
Octave, Transpose, Channel, Program, Bank LSB,
Bank MSB, Patch, Vel. Curve
This parameter lets your selected control increment the selected global parameter by each time that button or drum pad is tapped.
Control Assignment List
page 3
* NOTE: This column only describes the “non-standard” parameters and their associated sub-parameters within Axiom Pro (such as “Note OnOff Toggle” or “Rel. Bin Offset”). Standardized MIDI parameters (such as Continuous Controllers “CC” or “Master Volume”) are not described in this
guide. If you require more information, please note that standard MIDI parameters are well documented on the Internet as well as in a number books about the MIDI protocol. To learn more about these standard parameters, please refer to one of these books or websites.
Control Type Key
= Pads Group
= Encoders Group
= Numerical Keypad Group, Sustain Pedal, Function Keys,
Transport Controls
= Slider Group, Pitch Bend, Keyboard Aftertouch, Modulation
Wheel, Expression Input