Onyx satellite features, Onyx s at ellit e – MACKIE PORTABLE RECORDING PREAMP User Manual
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ONYX Satellite
We know that many of you can’t wait to get your new
Onyx Satellite computer interface hooked up, and you’re
probably not going to read the manual first (sigh!). So
the first section after this introduction is a Quick-Start
Guide called “Getting Started” to help you get the Onyx
Satellite set up fast so you can start using it right away.
Right after that are the ever popular hook-up diagrams
that show typical setups for various recording applications.
Then, when you have time, read the Features Descrip-
tion section. This describes every knob, button, and
connection point on the Onyx Satellite.
Throughout this section you’ll find illustrations with
each feature numbered. If you want to know more about
a feature, simply locate it on the appropriate illustra-
tion, notice the number attached to it, and find that
number in the nearby paragraphs.
This icon marks information that is
critically important or unique to the
Onyx Satellite. For your own good,
read them and remember them.
They will be on the final test.
This icon leads you to in-depth expla-
nations of features and practical tips.
While not mandatory, they usually
have some valuable nugget of informa-
Appendix B is a section on connectors: XLR connec-
tors, balanced connectors, unbalanced connectors, and
the insert connectors used on the Onyx Satellite.
More resources on our websit
Click on Support to find answers to many of your ques-
tions. The FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section is
filled with answers to many of the questions our Techni-
cal Support staff has fielded over the years.
Visit our forums to seek help from our online commu-
nity of Mackie users.
THE GLOSSARY: A Haven of Non-Techiness for
the Neophyte
The “Glossary of Terms” is a fairly comprehensive
dictionary of pro-audio terms. If terms like “clipping,”
“noise floor,” or “unbalanced” leave you blank, refer to
this glossary for a quick explanation.
“Arcane Mysteries” discusses some of the down ‘n’
dirty practical realities of microphones, fixed installa-
tions, grounding, and balanced versus unbalanced lines.
It’s a goldmine for the neophyte, and even the seasoned
pro might learn a thing or two.
Onyx Satellite Features
• Innovative 2-piece FireWire Recording System for
professional recording on a PC or Mac
• Dual Onyx mic preamps for superior sound quality
versus competing interfaces
• 8 inputs for connection of microphones, line
sources, and instruments
• 6 line-level outputs
• 24-bit/96 kHz capable sound quality
• Built-in control room functions include talkback
and A/B monitor switching
• 6-channel volume control allows for surround sound
• Firewire protocol for low latency real-time recording
• Satellite pod can be bus powered for field use or
externally powered, for added convenience
• Works with all ASIO and Core Audio compatible
software, Mac and PC (also compatible with
GigaSampler GSIF drivers)
• Pod provides 2 in/2 out audio streams; “Docked” pod
and base station provide 2 in/6 out audio streams
• Bundled with full version of Tracktion 2 software for
a complete recording solution on a PC or Mac
• Indestructo Mackie construction holds up to the
rigors of field recording