Additional safety for foot shears – Grizzly FOOT SHEAR T23036 User Manual
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t23036 37" Foot Shear
Additional Safety for Foot Shears
EXTENSiON ARMS. Always be aware of the
extension arm location when working around the
shear to avoid walking into them, causing injury
and damage to the tool.
awkward operations and hand positions where a
sudden slip could cause your hand or body to fall
into a sharp edge or corner.
EXpERiENciNg DiFFicuLTiES. if at any time
you are experiencing difficulties performing the
intended operation, stop using the shear! Contact
tech Support at (570) 546-9663.
b L A D E
A D J u S T M E N T S
MAiNTENANcE. Always keep blades properly
adjusted and sharp.
guARDS. Keep all guards in place and in working
FOOTiNg. never stand on the foot pedal with
both feet. Keep one foot on the ground at all times
to maintain your balance. never jump on the foot
pedal to make a cut.
HANDS AND FiNgERS. Always keep hands and
fingers away from the blade and hold-down.
OpERATOR pOSiTiON. Keep all body parts out
of the way of all moving parts. Serious pinches
and cuts could occur.
cApAciTy. never exceed the rated capacity for
this foot shear.
pROpER uSE. only use the foot shear for the
purpose it was designed. do not cut round
No list of safety guidelines can be complete.
Every shop environment is different. Always
consider safety first, as it applies to your
individual working conditions. use this and
other machinery with caution and respect.
Failure to do so could result in serious per-
sonal injury, damage to equipment, or poor
work results.
Like all machinery there is potential danger
when operating this machine. Accidents are
frequently caused by lack of familiarity or
failure to pay attention. use this machine
with respect and caution to lessen the pos-
sibility of operator injury. if normal safety
precautions are overlooked or ignored, seri-
ous personal injury may occur.