Exchange status word – GE GFK-1541B User Manual
Page 172

Chapter 5 Ethernet Global Data
Exchange Status Word
The Exchange Status word allows an Ethernet Global Data user to obtain the operating status of a
given exchange definition. The PLC will write status codes into the Exchange Status word.
The Exchange Status word is changed upon exchange configuration* and when a
producer/consumer period expires, and the value will be set for the entire period. Therefore, it is
possible for the Exchange Status word to always be set to 1, indicating that at the time the period
expires, there was no error condition. The user program can monitor for error conditions reported
in the Exchange Status word by setting it to 0 once a non-zero value is written to it.
The first update of the Exchange Status word occurs the first time the producer/consumer period
timer expires. (In the CPU374, it occurs on the first data transfer.)
The user-program should also monitor the “LAN Interface OK” Status bit for
each of the Ethernet Interfaces performing EGD. The Exchange Status word is
invalid if the bit is 0. Refer to the topic, “Status Bits”, in the chapter:
“Programming Communications Requests”, for more information.