Ethernet media – GE GFK-1541B User Manual
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Chapter 1 Introduction
Ethernet Media
Various Ethernet baseband media (10Base...) can be interconnected by appropriate hubs or
repeaters. Capabilities and limitations are defined in IEEE 802.3 Chapter 13, “System
Considerations for Multi-Segment Networks”. This document is published by the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017-2394 USA.
The Ethernet Interface can operate on any of the following media with the appropriate user-
supplied transceiver cable and transceiver. IEEE 802.3 specifies the definitive requirements of
each medium.
10Base5 Coax:
10Base5 uses a 0.4 inch diameter 50-ohm coaxial cable and is commonly called
“thick wire”. The maximum length of a cable segment is 500 meters. The distance between any
two stations must be a multiple of 2.5 meters. A maximum of 100 stations is allowed on a
10Base5 Ethernet segment.
10Base2 Coax:
10Base2 is described above.
10Base-T is described above.
10Base-F has two variations that both use the same type of fiber-optic cable.
10Base-FP can support up to 33 nodes at distances of up to 500 meters from a passive star;
10Base-FL supports up to 2000 meters between a node and a repeater (a multi-port repeater
would thus constitute a star). Additionally, 10Base-FB provides a means of interconnecting
(only) repeaters by up to 2000 meters of (the same) fiber-optic cable.
10Broad36 uses 75-ohm coaxial cable and CATV-like media components (taps,
amplifiers, headend translators, etc.) to support hundreds of nodes at distances of up to 2800
meters. Broadband cannot be connected to baseband via repeaters. Broadband cable plant design
and installation must be in accordance with IEEE 802.7 and requires special expertise. GE Fanuc
recommends you contract professional specialists for these services. Consult your GE Fanuc
sales representative or field service office for help in identifying local specialists.