Temperature calibration – Garland MP-GD-10-S User Manual
Page 33
Part # MPSM07 (03/24/08)
Page 33
1 . Press and hold “PROGRAM” Button for three (3) seconds .
When prompted, enter the Diagnostics Code 3-4-2-4,
Press “Y” . The Moisture Plus part number will display briefly
followed by the Diagnostic Tests – Keypad Test .
2 . Press the “N” Button to scroll to Diagnostic Tests – Temp
Cal . Press “Y” .
3 After selecting Temperature Calibration and Pressing
“ENTER” . The display will show the Actual Temperature
inside the oven . Verify the cavity temperature using a
pyrometer .
4 . Press and hold the “PHANTOM” button for three, (3),
seconds . The display will show the Actual Temperature
on the first line and Set Temperature on the second line .
If the Actual Temperature does not correspond to the
pryometer, enter the value on the pyromter using buttons
1 – 0 . The value will be input as Set Temp .
5 . Press “Y” to accept the changes . The actual Temperature
will change to equal the value input for Set Temperature .
Press Cancel to exit Temperature Calibration .
NOTE: After the desired Tests are completer, press “PROGRAM”
to exit Diagnostics Mode .