Garland MP-GD-10-S User Manual
Page 28

Part # MPSM07 (03/24/08)
Page 28
When programming a recipe key, the display will prompt for the fan
speed for the profile being programmed . The user scrolls through the
list of choices and presses the Enter key to store the selection . The
profile number is shown in the lower left corner of the display .
When programming a recipe key, the display will prompt for the cook
temperature for the profile being programmed . The profile number is
shown in the lower left corner of the display .
When programming a recipe key, the display will prompt for the cook
time for the profile being programmed . The time is entered in hours,
minutes and seconds . The profile number is shown in the lower left
corner of the display .
Each profile may have Moisture, but it will only operate during
profiles when it is actually programmed . Press the “SCROLL” key to
step through the list of choices . Press the Enter key to store your
selection .
Product Keys have six profiles that can be programmed differently .
Once all the steps in a profile are completed the program will prompt
to continue to the next profile or to exit . Press the “Y” key to go to the
next profile . Press the “N” key to finish programming this key .
When you have programmed all the profiles needed for the recipe,
the last step is to indicate if you want to go into hold mode at the
end of the cooking cycle . If you choose yes you will then be asked
to program a hold temperature . If you choose no you will have the
opportunity to program another key or to exit .
When cooking with a product key, the display will show the
programmed temperature for the oven, the actual temperature for
the oven, the amount of time left during the recipe in progress . The
word “PRF1” in the center of the lower row indicates the mode the
oven is in . The word “HEAT” in the lower right hand corner will cycle
on and off with the burners/elements .
When cooking with a shelf timer, you will be prompted to enter the
number of the oven shelf (1-6) that you are putting the product on .
When cooking with a shelf timer, the display will show the
programmed temperature, the actual temperature, the amount of
time left in the currently running timer . The word “SHFx” in the center
of the lower row indicates the active shelf timer . The word “HEAT” in
the lower right hand corner will cycle on and off with the burners/
elements .
When a cooking cycle ends the display clears, the blinking message
DONE is displayed and the audible alarm sounds .