Ttl input events, Serial communications port 1 input – Industrial Data Systems IDS Scale Basic User Manual
Page 45

Scale Basic 4.2E
Flag on, 1
turn on flag 1
Relay on, 1
turn on relay 1
This example will cause relay output 1 to continuously turn on and off in 0.2 second intervals.
TTL Input Events
Purpose: execute a scale basic function when a TTL input is activated (shorted to ground).
Remarks: TTL inputs 1 through 4 execute scale basic functions 1 through 4. The TTL inputs
trigger when the input signal goes from TTL high to TTL low. The TTL input will not re-
trigger until the TTL input returns to TTL high. NOTE: TTL inputs must be enabled by
setting parameter 39 = 1.
The automatic scan of TTL inputs 1 thru 4 is useful for events that must be constantly
monitored such as a STOP switch used in bulk weigh or an overload limit switch. For
conditions where the TTL input is monitored on a temporary basis (such as a GO switch) use
the ability of the Setpoint Monitor to trigger on a condition code.
TTL input 6: Pulse Count Input - TTL input 6 is scanned for signal pulses. The maximum
pulse rate is 450 pulses / second, each pulse must be low a minimum 1.1 ms, and high a
minimum of 1.1 ms. The pulses are accumulated in the Count register [57]. Each second,
the number of pulses that occurred in that second is stored in the Rate register [55]
Events - Serial Communications Input: Port 1 & Port 2
Serial Communications Port 1 Input
Purpose: receive data input.
Remarks: port 1 receives data into a buffer until an ACCII carriage return (13) is received. The
condition code, Barcode, is set true when a message is received. The data is copied to a
message buffer where it is held for the next data input command. Data input commands
include any command where the operator would key in data and then press the Enter key.
This includes ID number entry and Get data [r] instructions.
Example1: a bar code reader is connected to Port 1. The operator presses the F1 key which
activates function 1.
Fn. 1
Gosub, Open new
open an ID or make new if not found
Copy Id2, Gross
Id2 (the ID’s tare register) = weight on the scale
Gosub Close id
Save ID data to memory
Using this program, the operator presses the F1 key. The
indicator prompts “Id”. The
operator scans a bar code label. The bar code data is used for the ID number.