Industrial Data Systems IDS Scale Basic User Manual
Scale basic, Reference and tutorial
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Scale Basic
- Version 4.2E Date 9/6/2001
- Table of Contents
- Introduction
- EZ Link
- Event Driven Programming
- Scale Basic Tutorial
- R
- Reference
- Instruction Reference
- Add [r] = [a] + [b] 200 [r] [a] [b]
- All off 229
- Beep (n) 233 [n]
- Compare [a] - [b] 208 [a] [b]
- Copy [To] [From] 206 [to] [from]
- Dec [r] 205 [r]
- Display [r] 218 [r]
- Div [r] = [a] / [b] 203 [r] [a] [b]
- Dp adjust [r] 212 [r]
- Else (see if instruction) 251
- End if (see If instruction) 240
- End 255
- Erase id [r] 236 [r]
- Error msg (error no.) 239 [nnn]
- Flag on / Flag off (flag no.) 210 [n]
- Get data [r] 231 [r]
- Get key 230
- Get id [r] 234 [r]
- Gosub (function no.) 243 [nnn]
- Goto (function no.) 244 [nnn]
- If (condition) / Else / End if 241 [nnn] / 251 / 240
- If not (condition) / Else / End if 242 [nnn] / 251 / 240
- Inc [r] 204 [r]
- Index id [r] 217 [r]
- Keybd off / Keybd on 227 / 226
- Loop1 / Next1 Loop2 / Next2 245 / 246 : 247 / 248
- Make id [r] 235 [r]
- Mul [r] = [a] * [b] 202 [r] [a] [b]
- Next1 (see Loop1 / Loop2 instruction) 246
- Next2 (see Loop1 / Loop2 instruction) 248
- Nop 254
- Prompt (nnn) (nnn) (nnn)… 232 [nnn] [nnn]…[0]
- Relay off / Relay on (relay no.) 223 [n] / 222 [n]
- Resume (see Suspend instruction) 250
- Set [r] (nnn) 209 [r] [nnn]
- Set pt off / Set pt on (nn) 221 [nn] / 220 [nn]
- Sign [r] 207 [r]
- Sub [r] = [a] - [b] 201 [r] [a] [b]
- Suspend / Resume 249 / 250
- Timer off / Timer on (n) 225 [n] / 224 [n]
- Txcom1 / Txcom2 (n) 237 [nnn] / 238 [nnn]
- Valid wt 219
- Write id 228
- Condition Codes
- Built in Functions
- Close id 142
- Gross/net 128
- Open id 140
- Open new 141
- Peak clear 143
- Peak gross 156
- Peak net 157
- Print1, Print2, Print3, Print4 133, 134, 135, 146
- Print mode 136
- Pulse clear 149
- Read first 147
- Read next 148
- Resume 250
- Set gross 131
- Set net 132
- Tare 129
- Tx data 144
- Units 127
- Update 137
- Update alt 145
- User1…User15 1…15
- Zero 130
- Events
- Events - Serial Communications Input: Port 1 & Port 2
- Registers
- 118 Time Time Register
- 119 Date Date Register
- 120 Stime Stored Time register
- 121 Sdate Stored Date register
- Error Codes
- Instruction Reference
- A
- Appendix A: Design Template