Next1 (see loop1 / loop2 instruction) 246, Next2 (see loop1 / loop2 instruction) 248, Nop 254 – Industrial Data Systems IDS Scale Basic User Manual
Page 30: Prompt (nnn) (nnn) (nnn)… 232 [nnn] [nnn]…[0, Relay off / relay on (relay no.) 223 [n] / 222 [n

Scale Basic 4.2E
(see Loop1 / Loop2 instruction)
(see Loop1 / Loop2 instruction)
Purpose: no-operation, this instruction does nothing.
Remarks: rarely used in scale basic.
No-operation, do nothing
Prompt (nnn) (nnn) (nnn)…
232 [nnn] [nnn]…[0]
Purpose: display a message on the numeric display.
Remarks: this instruction is used to display status or to prompt the user for data input. If the Get
data instruction immediately follows the Prompt instruction, then the prompt is used for data
input. NOTE: user all capital letters. Most cap’s will display legibly, lower case characters
will not display legibly. The following upper case characters will not display: K, M, Q, V,
W, X.
Example: prompt the user for target weight using the prompt “SETPT”.
Prompt, “SETPT”
display “SEtPt” on the display
Get data, Memory1
get setpoint data.
An alternative method to prompt for data uses a time delay to display the prompt, then the
Get data instruction uses it’s default “ENTER” prompt. Assume Timer 1 is configured for 1
second delay:
Prompt, SETPT
display “SEtPt on the display
Timer on, 1
turn on timer 1 (1 seconds delay).
looping> Next1 End if End while Get data, Memory1 get setpoint. Prompt is replaced by “EntEr”. End End of function Relay off / Relay on (relay no.) 223 [n] / 222 [n] Purpose: to turn off / on relay outputs. the TTL output signal to TTL high, the Relay on instruction sets the TTL output signal to Set Memory10, 4 set memory10 = 4
Remarks: the TTL output signals are labeled Relay1, Relay2, …. The Relay off instruction sets
TTL low. When the TTL output is connected to a solid state relay, the TTL low level turns
ON the relay.
NOTE1: Relay off, 0 turns off all relays.
NOTE2: Relay on/off, 10 gets relay number from register 10. For example