Mixdown, Input select switches, Input faders – Yamaha MT100II User Manual

Page 19: Rec select switches, Aux send controls, Graphic equalizer switch, Pan controls, Master fader, Aux return control, Monitor select switch

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1. Sit in a comfortable, central position in front of


your monitor

Mixdown is the last stage in the recording process at which time you can blend and polish the sounds to create the final product.

A ‘‘MIX’’ is created by finely balancing the four tracks to achieve just the right sound. This final balance is achieved using MTfOOlI’s

mixer section and is re-recorded onto a conventional stereo tape deck. Tracks can be faded in or out as required, and refinements

such as overall reverberation or equalization can be added using external signal processing equipment and MTIOOII’s 5-band on­
board GRAPHIC EQUALIZER. The mixer’s PAN controls can be used to position each track at their appropriate location in the

stereo image, and you may even want to move or PAN a sound from one channel to the other to create a dramatic effect.

Here’s how your system should be set up:


Make sure that all four INPUT SELECT switches are set to


•Input Faders

Set all channels to “0” (minimum).


Set all REC SELECT Switches to OFF.

•AUX SEND Controls

Set all four AUX SEND controls to MIN for the time being.


Switch this OFF for the time being.

•PAN Controls

Start with all PAN controls set to center.


Set to about "7” or "8” on the scale.


Set to MIN for the time being.


You will want to monitor the same signal which appears at

the STEREO OUT jacks, so set this switch to STEREO.
We recommend using an external sound system or a pair

of powered monitor speakers (such as the YAMAHA

MS101 Monitor Speaker) for mixdown.

•MONITOR Controls

Set all MONITOR controls fully counter-clockwise.

•METER Switch


•dbx Switch

If you started recording with the dbx switch set to ON,

leave it there. If OFF, it should stay OFF.

2. Listen to, evaluate, and adjust the sound of each track indi­

vidually. This simply means raising the fader of a single
track, adding effects or other signal processing as required,

then repeating the process on the next track until all tracks

have been carefully checked. MTIOOH’s 5-band GRAPHIC

EQUALIZER can be used to add or subtract high, mid, and

low frequency components from the overall mix, creating a
more exciting and coherent marriage of the tracks. If you

have an external signal processing device such as the

YAMAHA FX500 Simul-effect Processor connected into the

MTfOOn’s AUX SEND/RETURN loop as described in the

following section ("USING THE AUX SEND/RETURN

LOOP), it’s a simple matter to select the desired effect on

your signal processor and add the required amount of ef­

fect to each track using the AUX SEND controls. The AUX

RETURN control must also be set to an appropriate level.

3. When all tracks have been individually checked, bring all

input faders up to about “7” or "8” on the scale and play

back the tape. Adjust the faders for the best overall bal­

ance. Now adjust the PAN controls to place each track at

the desired location in the stereo sound field. Now listen

carefully — too much or too little reverb on any track?

Readjust the AUX SEND controls to achieve the desired

effect. Balance not quite right? Keep readjusting until you
are satisfied. You should also rehearse any fades or pans

you plan to do while actually recording the mix.

4. When you’re sure everything is ready, prepare to actually

record the mix. Connect the MT100H STEREO OUT jacks

to the inputs of a stereo cassette recorder. Plug your moni­

tor headphones into the stereo cassette deck phones jack

if you want to listen as you record the mix, or simply leave

them connected to the MTIOOH PHONES jack and listen

with the MONITOR SELECT switch set to STEREO. Use

the stereo cassette deck record level control(s) and, if nec­

essary, the MTIOOn MASTER fader to set the optimum

record level, then go ahead and record. The MTIOOH

MASTER fader can also be used to add a slow fade at the

end of the piece.