Apple Keynote 2 User Manual

Page 39

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Chapter 3

Working With Text, Graphics, and Other Media


To open the Text Inspector:


Choose View > Show Inspector (or click Inspector in the toolbar) and click the Text

Inspector button.

To change text color:


Select the text you want to change (or click in the text to place the insertion point).


In the Text Inspector, click the color well.


In the Colors window, select a color.

You can align text within a text box left, right, center, or both right and left (called

“justified”). You can also “grow” text from the top, center, or bottom of the text box.

Click the color well to
change the color of
selected text.

The Text Inspector button

Use these buttons to align

Drag the sliders to adjust
character, line, and
paragraph spacing for
selected text.

Change the space between
text and the text box,
table cell, or shape that
contains it.