The font panel, The colors window, Shortcuts – Apple Keynote 2 User Manual
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Chapter 1
Overview of Keynote
To open more than one Inspector window at the same time:
Choose View > New Inspector.
The Font Panel
Keynote uses the Mac OS X Font panel, so you can use any of the fonts on your
computer in your presentations.
To open the Font panel:
Choose Format > Font > Show Fonts (or click Fonts in the toolbar).
Note: If you use special fonts in a Keynote document and you send it to others, be
sure the recipients have those fonts installed on their computer.
The Colors Window
You use the Mac OS X Colors window to choose colors for text, shapes, or shadows.
To open the Colors window:
Choose View > Show Colors (or click Colors in the toolbar).
You can use the keyboard to perform many of the Keynote menu commands and
tasks. A comprehensive list of keyboard shortcuts is available in onscreen help. Many
keyboard shortcuts are also listed in the Keynote Quick Reference card.
To see the list of keyboard shortcuts:
In Keynote, choose Help > Keynote Keyboard Shortcuts.
Many commands are also available in shortcut menus that you can access directly
from the object you are working with.
To open a shortcut menu:
Press the Control key while you click an object.
Shortcut menus are especially useful for working with tables and charts.