Apple Final Cut Server User Manual

Page 22

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Part I

Installation and Configuration

To update Leopard or Leopard Server and QuickTime:


Choose Apple menu > Software Update.

A dialog appears showing new or updated software available for your computer.


Follow the onscreen instructions to update Leopard or Leopard Server and QuickTime
to the latest versions.

It is also a good idea to install and update Final Cut Studio and other applications if you
intend to use them on the computer you are using as your Final Cut Server server.

Did You Upgrade Your Computer from Tiger Server to Leopard Server?

When you upgrade a computer from Tiger Server to Leopard Server, Apache is not
upgraded automatically. You can verify its version and manually upgrade it if needed.


You must have Apache version 2.2 installed on a computer using

Leopard Server before installing Final Cut Server. If not, you will not be able to install
any Final Cut Server clients.

Note: If you are installing Final Cut Server onto a non-server version of Leopard, you
can skip this section.

To verify and upgrade Apache on a Leopard Server computer:


Open the Server Admin application.


Click the disclosure triangle next to the computer’s name, look on the left side of the
window to see if an item named Web is listed, then do one of the following:

 If Web is listed, skip to step 4.

 If Web is not listed, go to the next step.