About quicktime metadata, P. 160) – Apple Final Cut Server User Manual

Page 160

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Part II

General Administration

 Tiles metadata group, PROJECT_INFO_VIEW group ID: This metadata group defines what

fields appear in the main window’s Information pane when viewing productions.

 Tiles metadata group, ASSET_TILES_VIEW group ID: This metadata group defines what

fields appear in the info window that appears when you double-click an asset or a
Final Cut Pro project in the main window.

 Tiles metadata group, PROJECT_TILES_VIEW group ID: This metadata group defines what

fields appear in the info window that appears when you double-click a production.

 Tiles metadata group, ELEMENT_TILES_VIEW group ID: This metadata group defines

what fields appear in the Element Details window that appears when you double-click
an element in the info window (the window that appears when you double-click a
Final Cut Pro project in the main window).

 List metadata group, ASSET_LIST_VIEW group ID: This metadata group defines what

fields appear in the List view of the main window’s Assets pane.

 List metadata group, PROJECT_LIST_VIEW group ID: This metadata group defines what

fields appear in the List view of the main window’s Productions pane.

 List metadata group, ELEMENT_LIST_VIEW group ID: This metadata group defines what

fields appear in the List view of the info window that appears when you double-click
a Final Cut Pro project in the main window.

About QuickTime Metadata

QuickTime media files can have a wide variety of metadata added to them. As a simple
example, you can add annotations, such as title, author, and keywords to a QuickTime
media file using the Annotations pane of the QuickTime Player Movie Properties window.

Since a QuickTime media file can contain custom metadata fields, Final Cut Server is
unable to map all of the metadata fields to metadata fields that are used in its
default groups.

This means that if you use custom metadata fields in your QuickTime movies, you will
need to either manually map those fields to fields used in existing metadata groups or
add those fields to custom metadata groups.