Hale AutoFill-E Tank Refill Control System User Manual
Page 7

AUTOFIll-E Installer / User Guide
p/n: 029-0020-81-0
Safety Precautions
To prevent electrical shock always disconnect the primary power source
before attempting to service any part of the Hale AutoFill-E system.
All electrical systems have the potential to cause sparks during service.
Take the necessary precautions to eliminate explosive or hazardous
environments during any installation/service.
Relieve all system pressure, then drain all foam concentrate and water
from the system before servicing any of its component parts. Lockout
the system in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Use only tubing which is rated at or above the maximum discharge pres-
sure of the fire pumping system, i.e., 50 PSI (34 BAR) minimum.
Fasteners used for the installation of the Hale AutoFill - E System are
Grade 5, and some are stainless steel. NEVER substitute with a lesser
grade fastener or quality. Failure to do so could cause equipment mal-
function or damage and/or personal injury.
Use only approved lubricants on the Hale AutoFill-E System. Hale rec-
ommends using: Never-Seez®, White Food Grade with PTEE
Never-Seez is available from:
Bostik Findley, Inc
211 Boston Street
Middletown, MA 01949-2128