IDEC WindMSG User Manual
Page 20

How to define Alarm object:
Alarm object displays alarm immediately after any alarm is
triggered. Alarm text is defined in the
Alarms dialog box.
To place an Alarm object, click on the
Alarms button .
Alarms object can be edited by double clicking on the
object placed on the screen.
Alarms Dialog box will
enable user to select the fields to be displayed in an
Alarms object. Sequence and length of each field can also
be varied.
To assign
Flash or Scroll Animation to any object, select
the object with the mouse. Place the mouse on the
selected object and click with the right mouse button. From
the menu box presented select
Animation Properties
In the
Animation Properties dialog box select the
appropriate animation. Only Basic Graphical objects can
have Percent filling animation.
Define Keys
To define Global Keys click on
Application Keys from
Define menu or press F7 or click on Global Keys Button.
Global Keys’ Task-Lists dialog box, user can assign
tasks to keys protect keys by assigning password. All the
keys on the HG1X keypad are redefinable. Most of HG1X
models have default definitions to keys.
Please note Data
Entry objects may not function properly if the required tasks
are not assigned to keys. Tasks can also be assigned to
two keys. The task will be performed only when the two
keys are pressed simultaneously. Click on
Close button to
Global Keys’ Task-Lists dialog box.
Define Alarms
Click on
Alarms from Define menu or press F8 or click on
Alarms Button to define Alarms.
Alarms dialog box click either Consecutive or Discrete.
Consecutive type select the first tag. Click Add to
define alarms. Select group of alarms. Enter alarm number
and alarm text. Click relevant options for the particular
alarm. Click
Accept to accept the alarm.