IDEC WindMSG User Manual

Page 13

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Application Task-List

Application task-list allows user to define tasks to be performed at
power-on or while application is running i.e. Global Task.
Application task-lists are of two types:

Power-on tasks:
Power-on tasks are performed after HG1X unit is powered on.
These tasks are like a boot sequence for HG1X which are
performed only once. Using these tasks user can initialize some
registers, goto a particular screen after power up etc.


note that user MUST define ‘Goto Screen’ Task in Power-On
task list.


Global tasks:
Global tasks are performed regularly till the application is in
progress. These tasks are useful when the user wants to
perform some tasks repeatedly. In case the PLC is not connected
then PLC related tasks will not be performed.

The tasks supported are as follows:


Goto Screen


Goto next screen


Goto previous screen


Write value to tag


Add constant value to tag


Subtract constant value from tag


Add Tag B to Tag A


Subtract Tag B from Tag A


Turn bit on

10. Turn bit off
11. Toggle bit
12. Copy Tag B to Tag A
13. Swap Tag A and Tag B
14. Print Data
15. Copy Tag to STR
16. Copy Tag to LED
16. Delay
17. Wait till

1. Goto Screen:

Current Screen is replaced by the defined screen. This
command does not work when a PLC register is used as STR.
More information given in Application Task-List Section.

2. Goto Next Screen:

This task is useful when two screens are in succession.
Screen is changed to display the next screen.

If two screens

are not successive, there is a gap between two screens then
‘Screen not defined’ message will be displayed. This
message will stay on the screen till a valid screen is called.
This task

does not work when a PLC tag is used as a STR.

3. Goto Previous Screen:

This task is useful when two screens are in succession.
Screen is changed to display the previous screen.

If two

screens are not successive, there is a gap between two
screens then ‘Screen not defined’ message will be displayed.
This message will stay on the screen till a valid screen is
called. This task does not work when a PLC tag is used as a

4. Write Value to a Tag:

A constant value can be downloaded to a tag using this task,
provided the tag is not a read-only tag.

5. Add a Constant Value to Tag:

A constant can be added to the current value of a tag using
this task.

6. Subtract a Constant Value from Tag:

This task is used to subtract a constant value from the current
value of a tag.


Add Tag B to Tag A:*
Tag B can be added to tag A using this task. The result will be
stored in tag A.


Subtract Tag B from Tag A:*
Tag B is subtracted from tag A using this task. The result will
be stored in tag A.


Turn Bit On:
Any coil or bit can be turned on using this task. The bit/coil
should be a read-write coil.

10. Turn Bit Off:

Any coil or bit can be turned off using this task. The bit/coil
should be a read-write coil.

11. Toggle Bit:

Any bit can be toggled using this task. The bit / coil will be
toggled each time the key is pressed.

12. Copy Tag B to Tag A:*

Tag B can be copied to tag A using this task. The value of tag B
will be unchanged. Tag A will be same as tag B.

13. Swap Tag B to Tag A:*

Tag A and Tag B values can be swapped using this task.

14. Print Data:

Text data on the particular screen will be printed.

15. Copy Tag to STR:

Any specified task will be copied to STR. This STR decides the
screen to be displayed.

16. Copy Tag to LED:

LEDs of the HG1X can be used to reflect the value of a tag. The
tag should be copied to LED register for such functionality.

17. Delay:

An unconditional delay can be added to the task list. All the tasks
after this task are delayed by the specified time.

18. Wait till:

All the tasks after this task are not performed till the condition
specified by this task does not become true.

* While defining double Tag operations, make sure both the tags
have same number of bytes. Else the task may lead to erroneous