IDEC WindMSG User Manual

Page 19

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How to define Register Data Entry Object:

To edit a register in the PLC, select

Register Data Entry in

the Data entry dialog box. Register Data Entry dialog box
allows user to select the tag, Data type, data format, low
limit, high limit, Math -1st and 2nd operation. In tag
selection window, there is the list of Tags available data
can be written. You can select the one you want from the
list. The list will NOT display any read only registers which
can not be modified. Data entered can be limited by
assigning Low and High limit for the data entry. Data can
be entered in various types viz., Unsigned Integer, Signed
Integer, Hexadecimal, BCD, Binary (1 word), Float. Data
format can also be selected by the user. Low and High
limits restrict the data that can be entered in the register.
Two mathematical calculations can be performed on the
data be entered.

Register Text Object is value dependent text object. User
can define different text strings for different limits of register
values. When the limit is crossed the text changes. First
select the register from the Tags list. Now enter low limit,
high limit and text for that range. Click Accept button to
accept the entered data. Now click Add to enter new limits
and corresponding text.


How to define Display HG1X / PLC Data object:

This object can be used to view HG1X / PLC data. To place

embedding object click on ‘Display HG1X / PLC

Data’ Tool. In the dialog box user can select either Bit Text
or Register Value or Register Text. Bit Text displays text
depending on the state of coil or bit. Register Value
displays the actual value of the register. Register Text
displays text depending on the value of a register. To add
Bit Text object, select Bit Text in the Display HG1X or
PLC Data
dialog box. In the window, user can enter text to
be displayed depending on the state of the Coil.

To display a register value, select Register Value type in
Display HG1X or PLC Data window. The window will now
change to display Register options. Select the register to be
displayed. Select the Data type and Format to display the
register. Leading Zero Blank option decides whether zeros
preceding the value will be

displayed or not. If this option

is enabled then register value will be displayed without
Leading Zeros.

Bargraph can be drawn for a specific range of the register
value. The maximm range is 0 to 65535.


How to define Bargraph object:

Bargraph is a graphical representation of the value of any
register. Bargraph is available in all the HG1X models. User
can also view the bargraph of a particular range of register
value. To place a bargraph click on the Bargraph button
