SecurityMan Cyber Eye User Manual
Page 42
CyberEyes User’s Manual Rev.1
Click on each tab to set their properties. You will find the minimum alarm interval value on the bottom part. The
default value is 1 minute. The minimum value is 1 second while the maximum value is 59 minutes and 59
seconds. The minimum alarm interval value is valid for all e-mail, (message, if your operating system is
Windows 2000 or XP), phone, and voice alarm notifications.
If you have set the minimum alarm interval value as 1 minute, then any detected motion right after the
occurrence of the previous alarm will not be counted as additional alarms, unless the detected motion happens
at least 1 minute after the previous alarm is detected. That is, after an alarm is triggered, any motion detected
within 1 minute of the most recent alarm will not be counted as additional alarms and additional alarm
notifications will not be sent.
Note: An alarm notification will be sent only if motion is counted as an alarm.
The Alarm tab has four other tabs
(if your operating system is
Windows 2000, or XP):