B.2 finding device drivers on the world wide web – IBM SG24-4576-00 User Manual
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Figure 145. Sample Compatibility Report Showing Ethernet LAN Adapters
In addition, it contains reports by NOS and by machine and model number which
shows the testing done to certify the hardware against the operating system.
These reports show detailed information on hardware configurations, adapters,
device drivers, and code levels used in the testing.
B.2 Finding Device Drivers on the World Wide Web
In addition to this web site, IBM has another site that contains a file which has
LAN adapter device driver information. This file is a matrix of adapters and
drivers and version levels. It is updated frequently as new drivers become
available. The file is named DRVRLIST.DOC and is in the MS Word format. It
can be obtained from the PCC FTP file library at the following URL:
or with a web browser at:
If it is an IBM adapter, the driver itself can be obtained from the same FTP or
web sites. In addition, the IBM Networking Hardware Division maintains an FTP
site at the following URL:
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