IBM SG24-4576-00 User Manual

Page 171

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Figure 123. Changes i n A r r a y Configuration

The changes in the array are as follows:

The original hot spare disk in bay 3 changed to status ONL (online).

The faulty disk in bay 5 changed to status DDD (defunct).

We will now make the simulated failed disk the new hot spare disk.

7. Plug the unplugged disk back in.

8. Select Replace a Defunct Drive from the Administration Options menu.

9. Select DDD and press Enter.

A screen like the one in Figure 124 will appear.

Figure 124. RAID Administration - Replace a Defunct Drive

10. Select Show Drive Information to verify whether the process was successful.

A screen like the one in Figure 125 on page 159 will appear.


NetWare Integration Guide