2.1.3 M130 Network Setup Using the Serial COM Port
2.1.4 M130 Network Setup Using Web Browser
2.2 Rear Panel
2.2.1 M130 (Master) Option
2.2.2 M131 (Slave) Option
2.2.3 Configuration Switch
2.2.4 Remote/Local Selection
Set the rear panel Remote/Local switch to select remote or local operation.
2.3 External User Control Signal Connector
2.4 Programming Via Ethernet
2.4.1 Communication Methods
2.4.2 Raw Socket Interface
2.4.3 VXI-11 Protocol
2.4.4 Web Server
Ethernet Web Pages, Overview
The layout of each of the Web pages includes the banner with the heading, “Sorensen DLM (or DCS) Power Supply Interface” along with the device name below and a LOGIN button to the right. Below the banner are six tabs, each linked to its corresponding ...
When navigating to the Ethernet Web pages by clicking their tabs, you will find that only two of the pages may be accessed without logging in: HOME (default) and SLAVE INFO; you must log in (click LOGIN) before tabbing to the other pages, which allow ...
FULL permissions users have access to all pages and all channels and may configure the interface, set and change security settings, allocate channels, control the output of the power supply, send commands, etc.
RW permissions users may access all pages except SECURITY, and may read and control the output of the power supply for only the channels allocated to them. They are not authorized to make changes on the IP CONFIGURATION page.
R permission users may read information related only to the channels allocated them, and cannot make any changes or control the output.
Once you have logged in, the LOGIN button becomes a LOGOUT button.
Note: There are few differences between the DCS interface and the DLM interface: their titles and device names in the banner (see Figure 2-12 and Figure 2-13), their specifics in the Home page (see Figure 2-15 and Figure 2-16), and the front panel lo...
This is the default, information-only page. It displays all of the current information about the master supply that you are connected to (if any slaves are connected, their information is on the SLAVE INFO page):
The Model number, the Manufacturer, and the Serial Number of your Ethernet power supply
Firmware Revision: the version of the Ethernet firmware that is currently installed for the Master. (See SLAVE INFO page for slave firmware version.
VISA Resource identifies the specific resource name used to communicate via VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture)
LXI™ Compliance: the version and instrument class of the LXI™ standard with which your power supply is compliant
Host Name: either the default or user-defined, network-unique identity
Description: either the default or user-defined description of the power supply in use (you can change the description to suit your needs, in the CONFIGURATION page)
MAC Address: the power supply Ethernet’s unique hardware address
IP Address: your power supply’s address actually in use at start-up; can be statically configured, DHCP acquired (default), or Auto-IP assigned (see description for CONFIGURATION page)
Subnet Mask: network segment your power supply is on
Gateway: IP address through which the instrument communicates with systems that are not on the local subnet
DNS Server: IP address of the Domain Name System (DNS) server
Listening Port: port number for the embedded Web server
Only users with FULL permissions shall have access to this Web page and be allowed to configure the interface. You are only required to complete the information for the parameters that you wish to change; all previously entered and saved information r...
Host Name: the default name includes the base model number of your power supply, with the last four digits of the serial number. You may change this name as long as it is unique so that VXI-11 Discovery and any other IP Discovery program can identif...
To change: Type the new name (15 characters maximum) in the blank field provided and click Apply to update (or make all desired changes before clicking Apply).
Description: you may change the default factory setting to something more meaningful to your current setup.
To change: Type your customized description, up to 64 characters, in the blank field provided, and click Apply to update (or make all desired changes before clicking Apply).
TCP/IP Configuration: the power supply has two TCP/IP configurations that can be set, Primary and Secondary. If the Primary Configuration is not valid on your network, the power supply will attempt to try the Secondary Configuration.
NOTE: The power supply will NOT try the Secondary Configuration if you have selected the Primary Configuration options, Obtain an IP Address Automatically and Auto IP Enabled.
You may statically assign an IP address as well as configure other Ethernet/LAN parameters, or you may keep/return to its default setting for automatic assignment of an IP address.
To assign: Click the radio button next to Use a Static IP Address to manually configure some or all of the following the Ethernet/LAN parameters:
IP Address – input any standard IP address. (Factory setting is After clicking Apply, you also must reset the power supply and then exit and restart the Web browser to effect this change. If you have changed the network portion of the...
Subnet Mask – input a value that identifies which network segment your power supply is on, consisting of 4 whole numbers, each ranging from 0 through 255, separated by periods. (Factory setting is, a class-C network subnet mask). Click ...
Gateway – input the IP Address of any gateway that stands between the instrument and any other network entities that communicate with the power supply. (No factory setting). Click Apply to update (or make all desired changes before clicking Apply).
DNS Server – input an IP address for the Domain Name System (DNS) server. Click Apply to update (or make all desired changes before clicking Apply). This field has no factory setting.
Listening Port – input a port number for the embedded Web server, ranging in value from 1025 – 65535. Click Apply to update (or make all desired changes before clicking Apply). The factory default port number is 9221.
To automate: (To return to the default setting): Click the radio button next to Obtain an IP Address Automatically for dynamic address acquisition from the DHCP server.
Auto IP Enabled: allows the power supply to assign itself an IP address in the range from to with a subnet mask of If it is enabled, when there is no DHCP server available, the power supply will assign itself a...
To enable: Click in the box to check; click again to uncheck so that it is no longer enabled.
Example TCP/IP Configurations:
The Settings page is available to users who have FULL, Read/Write or Read Only access to at least one power supply (Read Only users can make no changes to the settings). If you have a system with a single master and many slaves, you could have access ...
Selected Channel: selected power supply channel whose Settings are presently displayed/updated (1= Master channel, and 2 – 31 = slave channels); you can select a different channel to which you have access:
To select: Click and hold the drop-down button; you will see only the channel numbers that you have rights to access; click the desired channel number. NOTE: If no channels are displayed, an Administrator or a user with FULL permission (see SECURITY, ...
Below Selected Channel you will see continuous updates (2-5 times per second) of the actual voltage output (value displayed on the left) and the actual live current output (value displayed to the right).
Voltage: value above is updated with actual voltage output of the power supply
Current: value above is updated with actual live current output
Set V: the programmed voltage setting
Set I: the programmed current setting
Set OVP: the programmed over voltage protection setting
APPLY: puts into effect the newly input settings
CC and CV indicators: presently operating output mode of the power supply, either constant voltage or constant current.
OVP indicator: highlighted red if over voltage protection is activated
FAULT indicator: highlighted red if fault has occurred
OUTPUT indicator: solid-lit shows power output status is On
If you have Read/Write access, you can change the following settings (after inputting desired settings, click APPLY):
Set V – click in the Set V field and input a new value for voltage.
Set I: click in the Set I field and input a new value for current.
Set OVP: click in the Set OVP field and input a new value for over voltage protection.
Output – click the applicable button(s) as follows:
CLEAR OVP: to clear the OVP indication/condition after clearing the cause of the event. The power supply will revert to the last saved values for Voltage, Current, and OVP. Be sure to reset these values, if desired, before clearing an OVP condition.
CLEAR FAULT: to clear the hardware fault indication/condition after clearing the cause of the event.
OUTPUT: to turn on or off the power output (see Output indicator)
FRONT PANEL LOCKOUT: to prevent or enable changes being made via the front panel (LED to the left is lit when Lockout is in effect).
INSTRUMENT ID: click to identify which power supply (instrument) in a rack of equipment corresponds to the Channel selected. The LED to the left of this button indicates whether or not this function is turned on (ON causes the instrument’s rear pane...
Power-on Default: click the applicable button(s) as follows:
RECALL SETTINGS: click to restore the programmed Power-on defaults into the Set V, Set I and Set OVP settings, and to the power supply output (these defaults are those that were last saved prior to this Power-on).
SAVE SETTINGS: after clicking APPLY, click to save the presently set values displayed in the Set V, Set I and Set OVP fields into non-volatile flash. (If only one new setting had been input, the other previously saved values remain the same). Please...
NOTE: When you click SAVE SETTINGS, you will get a pop-up alert (Figure 2-20) telling you that saving a non-zero voltage may cause the power supply to power-on with a voltage on its output terminals after a restart or power cycle.
SCPI command section:
SEND COMMAND: (not to be used with any command that provides a response) input a properly formatted SCPI command in the upper of the two windows and click this button to send the command.
SEND AND READ: for queries, input a properly formatted SCPI query command in the upper of the two windows, and click this button to send the command and read the response in the lower of the two windows.
SCPI Command History: a history of the last few commands sent to the power supply are remembered by the system and listed in this area. You can click on a command to have it be pasted in the command window.
CLEAR RESPONSES: click this button to clear the response window of previous responses.
This page displays updated information for the following parameters:
Selected Channel: as in the Settings page, this is the selected power supply channel whose information is presently displayed/updated (1= Master channel, and 2 – 31 = Slave channels); you can select a different channel to which you have access:
To select: Click and hold the drop-down button; you will see only the channel numbers that you have rights to access; highlight the desired channel number and release the mouse button.
NOTE: If no channels are displayed, an Administrator or a user with FULL permission (see SECURITY, p. 2-24) must assign channel access to the particular User ID, through the Security page (Figure 2-22), using the ALLOCATE CHANNELS capability.
Output: displays the power output status, ON or OFF
Trigger: set up by SCPI commands, displays whether the Trigger state is OFF, ARMED, or TRIGGERED.
OVP: displays Read Only status of over voltage protection, either OK (normal) or TRIPPED.
OTP: displays Read Only status of over temperature condition, either OK (normal) or TRIPPED.
Command Error: displays command and syntax errors that are queued in the supply.
Read Next Error: each click brings the next error into the Command Error display, until no other errors are in the queue.
CLEAR MESSAGES: click this button to clear the Command Error message window of past messages.
Last Calibration Date: displays the date that the power supply (instrument) was last calibrated; configurable with SCPI commands, normally at the time of calibration.
Next Calibration Date: displays the date that the power supply should be calibrated next; also configurable with SCPI commands, normally calculated at time of calibration.
Ping Echo: except for Read Only users, allows turning echo ability On or Off, depending on whether or not you want the supply to respond to a Ping command from another device on the network. The default setting for Ping Echo is response enabled. Cli...
Ping Remote IP Address: allows you to input an IP address of another device in the system
Ping: click this button to ping the device at the address that you entered in the Ping Remote IP Address field.
Response: displays the result of your ping. For Example, if the Ping Address were, the Response window would display:
CLEAR RESPONSES: click this button to clear the Response window of past ping responses.
Accessible only if you have Administrative (Full) rights, this page allows you to set up new user accounts for access to the power supply(s). It displays all of the currently set up users and respective permission levels.
FULL = full rights/Administrator
RW = read and write to power supply(s)
R = Read Only
-L = identifies user currently logged onto a power supply session.
ADD: Click to pull up a separate page in which to input new users with passwords and permission levels. (See Figure 2-23).
REMOVE: Click to delete selected user after first highlighting their User Name row. The Admin user cannot be removed.
EDIT: Click to change settings (name/permissions) for selected user after first highlighting their User Name row. This brings up the Edit Existing User window (Figure 2-24).
Allocate Channels: click to pull up the Channel Allocation page, which presents a matrix of all users and all possible power supply channels, whether they are in the system or not. (See Figure 2-25).
Accessible from the Security Page by clicking the ADD button, this page is allows you (a Full permissions user) to add new users with their passwords and permission levels.
To add: 1. Input appropriate information in User ID (case-sensitive, limited to 14 characters), in Password (case sensitive, limited to 9 characters), and in Re-enter Password fields.
2. Select permission level from the Permission dropdown.
3. To accept into the system, click SUBMIT or tap the enter key.
In the ADD NEW USER: line, you will see a message that the [new user name] was added successfully, or a message that it was unsuccessful and the reason.
NOTE: In order to complete the addition of a new user, you must also allocate channels to that user. (See CHANNEL ALLOCATION, p. 2-27).
RESET clears the fields in which you input information.
CANCEL returns you to the Security page. This button does NOT “undo” previous successful submit operations.
Accessible from the Security Page by clicking the EDIT button after first selecting the user’s name, this page allows you (a Full permissions user) to edit the parameters for an existing user.
When this page appears, the fields are populated with the selected user’s existing parameters.
To edit: 1. Input appropriate information, as desired, in User ID (case-sensitive, limited to 14 characters), in Password (case sensitive, limited to 9 characters), and/or in Re-enter Password fields.
2. Select permission level from the Permission dropdown.
3. To accept into the system, click SUBMIT or tap the enter key.
If your edit was successful, you will return to the Security page with a message to that effect.
If there is an error in the editing process, you will stay in the Edit Existing User page, and you will see a message in the EDIT EXISTING USER: line, describing the reason for the error.
RESET clears the fields in which you input information.
CANCEL returns you to the Security page with a message verifying that the User Edit was cancelled.
Accessible from the Security Page by clicking the ALLOCATE CHANNELS button, this page is allows you (a Full permissions user) to select a user and select the power supply(s) to which that user shall have access.
X indicates which power supply (channel) each user has access to.
Because an Administrator has full rights to all functions of the power supply(s), a user with FULL permissions has access to all channels regardless of whether the Channel Allocation page indicates he has permissions or not.
To change: 1. Select a user from the Selected User drop-down, and check or uncheck the boxes above the desired channel numbers.
2. Click Accept. Repeat for each user for whom you are changing/allocating channels.
3. When finished, click Done to return to the initial Security page.
This page displays information only for the power supplies configured in this system (one master power supply with a single IP address and up to 30 slave power supplies – M131 and/or M85). The information for each power supply displayed includes the C...
Upon first entering this page, you will see information only for the slaves with which the master established communication during the present session. Click REFRESH SLAVE DATA to see the information on the remaining slaves present in this system. (Th...
2.4.5 Troubleshooting
Resetting IP Configuration
Either press and hold in the IP reset switch (S2) on the rear panel until the green NET LED flashes (this could take 5 or more seconds), which resets the Primary configuration to DHCP and AutoIP Enabled (and ignores Secondary configuration), or send t...
Cannot Establish Communication
Use RS232 port. Note 19.2k baud rate at J6.
Query IP address with the SCPI command, SYST:NET:IP?
Query the MAC address with the SCPI command, SYST:NET:MAC?
For Slave (M131) communication issues, check the slave unit address switch setting.
Communication Established, but No Power Supply Response
Check SCPI string for errors (use the command SYST:ERR? to check response from unit)
Web Page Does Not Come Up
Check IP address; validate your SUBNET Mask.
Verify that both your computer and the power supply are on the same network.
If using a direct connection with a crossover cable, verify the PC is set to static IP address on the same network.
Observe the indicator LED on Ethernet port (J11) for activity. The NET LED (at rear panel center, near IP reset switch) will be lit when communication is established.
Lost/Forgot Password
If you are a user, contact the Administrator of the power supply network to modify your password.
If you are the administrator, the only way to recover is to press and hold the IP reset switch on the rear panel until the Green NET LED blinks (this could take five or more seconds). The administrator User Name and password will be restored to factor...
2.5 Remote Programming Via RS-232
2.6 Extended Interface Bus (EIB) with the M131 Option
Section 3 IEEE 488.2 and SCPI Command Operation
3.1 Introduction
3.2 IEEE-488.2 Register Definitions
3.2.1 SCPI Status Byte
3.2.2 Standard Event Status Register (ESR)
3.2.3 Protection Condition and Protection Event Status Registers
3.2.4 Operation Status and Questionable Status Registers