Using the audio menu, Adjusting the audio, Choosing the digital audio output mode” on – HP LT3700 User Manual

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HP HDTV User’s Guide

Using the Audio Menu

The Audio menu sets the sound levels, the mode for the

digital audio output signal, and sound items.

Adjusting the audio

Mode sets the audio adjustments to preset values

of Voice, Standard, or Music, or to User. User

mode enables individual adjustment of the treble

and bass values.

Balance sets the distribution of sound between

the speakers.

Auto Volume turns automatic volume adjustment

on or off.

SAP/MTS selects the default mode and language

for secondary audio programs. See “Setting the

SAP/MTS stereo mode” on page 27.

Digital Audio sets the mode for the signal

provided on the digital audio output connector.

See “Choosing the digital audio output mode” on

page 32.

Virtual Surround selects an option for emulated

surround sound from the TV speakers. “Selecting

virtual surround sound” on page 32.

Speaker turns the TV speakers on or off. You may

want to turn off the TV speakers when you connect

an optional external sound system. Refer to

“Understanding audio output” on page 32.

Choosing the digital audio output mode

You must be watching a digital TV channel to access

the Audio menu Digital Audio option. This option sets

the format for the signal provided on the Digital

(Optical) Audio Output connector on the rear of the TV:

Dolby Digital or PCM. Select PCM if your external

digital audio system does not support surround sound.

See “Understanding audio output” on page 32.

Selecting virtual surround sound

You can enjoy emulated surround sound from the TV

speakers. To do so, in the Audio menu Virtual Surround

option select the mode that you want to hear: Theater

or Music Hall.

Understanding audio output

The input source signal and the Audio menu settings for

Digital Audio and Speaker determine the type of audio

output that you hear at the speakers, or at the external

sound system connected to the TV.
For example, if you connect an external sound system

by using the Digital (Optical) connector, you hear

digital sound from the connected external audio system

when you watch a digital TV program. The format of

digital signal that the TV provides depends on the

Digital Audio setting (Dolby Digital or PCM).
This TV does not support Dolby Digital audio input over

HDMI. When connecting a set-top box, DVD player, or

other device by means of HDMI, set the device audio

output to PCM format.
The following table shows the audio output

dependencies and the resulting output.

Audio menu



User mode options are:




(Left-to-right sound


Auto Volume





Digital Audio

Dolby Digital/PCM

Virtual Surround

Off/Theater/Music Hall

