Display options, P ull down menu in the music player source – HONDA P-81ACRD User Manual
Page 96

E ither the spectrum ana lyzer or file captions can be displayed.
S pectrum analyzer will display a graph showing frequency responses from the music playing.
Lower frequencies are to the left while higher frequencies are to the right.
T he C aption option is the s econd option which will display text information from the file currently
playing if the file contains supported information. E x: s ong title, artist etc.
Display options
It is possible to change the colors of both the s pectrum analyzer and the T ext of C aptions.
P ress the “Music player color options“ to access display options.
T he spectrum ana lyzer has three color options. B lue, Violet, and emerald.
C aption text has five color options. Y ellow, B lue, R ed, B lack, and W hite.
T ouch the button with current color list to cycle through the other color options.
P ull down menu in the Music player source
W hen the Music player source is started Ingenix will determine if N avigation is running.
If N avigation is running the small Mus ic player menu will display in the upper right hand
side of the sc reen.
T his window will allow you to access the controls of your S D, US B , or hard drive device
without leaving the navigation sc reen.
P ressing the down arrow on the menu will enlarge the window and display full control
over the Music P layer functions.
T he P IP button in the small Music P layer menu will run Music P layer in full screen.
W hile in the Mus ic P layer screen the N avigation P IP button will s witch between the Music
P layer and navigation sources.
P ressing the P IP button on the lower section of the Music P layer source will switch to
Navigation and display the small Mus ic P layer menu in the upper right hand side.
All other pull down buttons have standard function as listed in the page 15.