C ontrol interface, P ull down menu in blue-tooth music source – HONDA P-81ACRD User Manual
Page 91

C ontrol Interface
P ressing the P lay button will begin playback of media stored on your mobile device
P ressing the P ause button will pause playback. P ress
P ressing the Next track button will skip the current track and begin the next.
P ressing the P revious track button will skip back to the beginning of the current track. If the track
is fewer than three seconds into the song this button will skip to the previous track.
P ress the S top button to stop music playback
P ressing the Mute button will mute the playback
P ress the Mute button again to resume the volume level. P ress ing the volume up or down will
also resume the volume level.
P ress the Volume button to increa se volume and the Volume button to decrea s e volume
Volume level will be displayed between the volume up and down buttons.
Note: control of media played on your Smartphone through the internet may be supported.
P ull down menu in Blue-tooth Music source
W hen the B lue-tooth music source is started Ingenix will determine if N avigation is running.
If Navigation is running the small Blue-tooth music menu will display in the upper right
hand side of the sc reen.
T his window will allow you to access the controls of your Blue-tooth device without leaving
the navigation screen.
P ressing the down
on the menu will enlarge the window and display full control
over Blue-tooth music functions.
T he P IP button in the small Blue-tooth menu will run Blue-tooth music in full screen.
W hile in the Blue-tooth music sc reen the Navi P IP button will s witch between the
B lue-tooth music and navigation sources.
P ressing the P IP button on the lower section of the Blue-tooth music source will s witch to
Navigation and display the small Blue-tooth music menu in the upper right hand side.
All other pull down buttons have standard function as listed on
page 15.
Note: Some blue-tooth enabled phones may cause noise through the system.