The range of voice guidance prompts – HONDA P-81ACRD User Manual

Page 22

background image

The range of voice guidance prompts

On the Freeway or Highway

Mile/F eet setting

1 mile -> half mile -> now

0.9 mile -> half mile -> now

0.8 mile -> half mile -> now

0.7 mile -> Q uarter mile

0.6 mile -> now

half mile -> now

0.4 mile -> now

0.3 mile -> now

Quarter mile -> x

0.2 mile -> x

now -> x

Mile/Yard setting

1 mile -> 700 yard -> now

900 yard -> 400 yard

Guidance arrows

The arrows on the ordinary road

Operating Instructions - preparation

Go straight on

Turn left

1st exit 2nd exit 3rd exit 4th exit 5th exit

6th exit 7th exit 8th exit 9th exit 10th exit

11th exit 12th exit 13th exit 14th exit 15th exit

Turn right

Turn left slightly / sharply

Turn right slightly / sharply
