HONDA P-81ACRD User Manual

Page 3

background image

2) R ecent destination

3) H ome

4) Office

C onfigure menu

1) E xit Navigation

2) Volume control

3) C hange language

4) C hange voice

5) U nit of measurement

6) S et up

- 1. 2D/ 3D/North

- 2. S peed/T ime

- 3. Arrival/Remaining

7) S how P OI

8) Auto scale

9) Alert

10) G P S S tatus

11) C hange map color

12) Qwerty keyboard

13) C hange menu theme

14) T ime zone

15) D ay/Night

16) Version

Route Options

1) R oute option

2) N avigate via location

3) C hange start position

4) N avigate avoiding road

Quick Acces s Menu

1) B rightness setting - Day / N ight

2) R oad information

3) Volume / S ound

4) Map panning

B lue-tooth Phone

B utton overview

B lue-tooth
How to connect to a B LUE T OOT H compatible device (P airing)

Using Blue-tooth Phone F unctions

S earching your phonebook through Ingenix

P ull down menu in B lue-tooth Phone source

B lue-tooth Music

B utton overview

C ontrol Interface

C reating and accessing a playlist

P ull down menu in B lue-tooth Music source

OE M AM & F M T uner/C limate controls

Music P layer







