Your me tile – HTC 7 User Manual

Page 24

background image

4 People


Looking for your contacts that start with the letter M? Tap the letter box, for example

, to go to a

particular letter on your contacts list.

Deleting a contact

You cannot delete Facebook contacts on your phone.

On the Start screen, tap the

People tile.


all of the People hub, press and hold the contact, and then tap delete.

When you’re asked to confirm, tap


Your Me tile

When you sign in to your Windows Live and/or Facebook account, your Me tile is
automatically created on the Start screen. Tap your Me tile on the Start screen (or in all of
the People hub) and check status updates you have posted, comments you have received,
and pics that you have uploaded to your Windows Live and/or Facebook accounts.

While on the Me screen, you can tap:

Your status message to the right of your photo to post a new status message.

Your photo to change it.

A photo to view it.

An entry to add comments or reply to a comment.


