Acknowledgments – Halo Lighting System First Strike Games User Manual

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First and foremost, I would like to thank the personnel at Central

Command: Syne Mitchell and the newest officer on our team,

Kai Nylund.

The Intel Officers at Microsoft's Franchise Development Group:

Doug Zartman, Nancy Figatner, and Edward Ventura, and most

notably Eric S. Trautmann (Special Ops field agent).

The people in Section Two, a.k.a. Microsoft's User Experience

Group: Jo Tyo, Matt Whiting, Dana Fos, and Jason Groce.

Logistics officers at Ballantine/Del Rey: Keith Clayton, Nancy

Delia, Betsy Mitchell, and Steve Saffel.

And the Bungie troopers who are slugging it out on virtual

battlefields across the universe to bring you the best game ever:

Jason Jones, Peter Parsons, and, of course, Joe Staten, Jaime

Griesemer, and Lorraine McLees.