Halo Lighting System First Strike Games User Manual

Page 159

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The image resolved into patches of green, brown, and white—

different from the angry black and livid orange that dominated

the view of the rest of the planet.

"Looks like they missed a spot," the Sergeant said.

"The Covenant don't 'miss' anything when they glass a

planet," the Master Chief replied. "We've seen them do it a thou-

sand times. This is no accident." He turned to Lieutenant

Haver-son. "We should get closer and see what this is, sir."

"Master Chief," Haverson said softly and held up his hands. "I

sympathize with your need to know with absolute certainty what

happened to your fellow Spartans, but this is..." He gestured to

the planet and then frowned as he scrutinized the undamaged

part of Reach. "Indeed," he murmured. "This does warrant a

closer look... provided we can get away with it."

The Lieutenant pulled the magnification back and refocused

the display on the upper atmosphere. A hundred Covenant ships

popped into view. "There are several smaller vessels circling

over that spot. Forget what I just said," Haverson whispered. "If

the Covenant are so interested in this region, then we should be

as well—as long as our cover holds. Cortana, take us in closer."

"Yes, Lieutenant," Cortana replied.

The Covenant flagship smoothly accelerated insystem.

"They're hailing us," Cortana said. "Preparing the proper


John counted the ships on the display. There were hundreds—

most no larger than a Covenant dropship, but there were at least a

dozen cruisers and two of the titanic carriers that each carried

three squadrons of Seraph fighter craft. There was more than

enough firepower to turn their captured flagship into molten slag.

Many of the smaller ships herded debris from the battle into

one spot over Reach—a floating junkyard of UNSC and Cove-

nant ships.

"You see this?" The Master Chief pointed to the field of float-

ing debris.

The Lieutenant stared at it. "It's almost as if they planned to

stay here for a while—they're cleaning house."

"We're in," Cortana announced. "The fleet is curious why a

Covenant flagship is here, but not suspicious enough to question

our authority. The translation is tricky. But apparently from the