Halo Lighting System First Strike Games User Manual

Page 206

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Dr. Halsey stuffed the alien crystal into her lab coat pocket

and knelt next to Kelly. She checked her vitals on the data pad

and shook her head. She looked at John, her expression grim.

"She's alive ... barely. She needs help."

"Let's not be rude," Admiral Whitcomb barked. "Welcome

our guests, Master Chief!"

"Perimeter fire," the Master Chief ordered. "Keep it tight.

Dispersion pattern Delta. Go!"

The Spartans simultaneously stepped into a semicircle, as-

sault rifles pointed outward. In unison they thumbed their weap-

ons' safeties and opened fire. Right behind them Locklear,

Johnson, Haverson, and the Admiral took up position inside the

circle. They primed and threw grenades.

John paused and turned his attention to Kelly. He hauled her

limp body off the floor and draped her over his shoulder.

The Covenant forces hit the ground and edged closer, but they

didn't return fire. Dozens of Elites dropped as armor-piercing

rounds peppered their armor and frag grenades detonated with

thunderous force. The Jackals who followed their masters on the

ropes landed in the middle of the carnage, maneuvered in front

of the Elites, and overlapped energy shields. It was typical Elite

bravado—they had to be the first into the battle ... even if that

meant they'd die for that honor.

The Chief had no problem satisfying their honor. He slapped a

fresh clip into his rifle and continued firing.

Jackals and Elites cautiously advanced on the firing Spartans.

A second line of Jackals angled their personal energy shields

over their heads to prevent any grenades from being tossed into

their midst.

Polaski's dropship descended from the hole in the ceiling,

spun about, and eased to a stop a meter above the cracked

blue-tiled floor. Both side hatches of the craft hissed open.

John handed Kelly to Fred as he leapt on board; he helped Dr.

Halsey and the Admiral inside next. Locklear and the other

Spartans jumped into the second hatch. Sergeant Johnson and

the Master Chief were last to board—just as their feet touched

the ramp and they grabbed on to the rungs, Polaski accelerated

off the deck.

The Master Chief watched the Covenant as the dropship