Halo Lighting System First Strike Games User Manual

Page 226

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ton, post on top of the dropship. Li, you're at three o'clock. Will

at nine. I'll take the six."

Blue acknowledgment lights winked on.

John helped Fred and Grace set the plates in position. Grace

and Fred fired up the arc welder, and pinpoints of metal liquefied

beneath their tips. A shower of sparks swirled around them in the

evacuated environment like a swarm of fireflies.

"We're in position, Admiral," John reported. "ETA for repairs

is two minutes."

"Roger, Chief," Admiral Whitcomb replied. Ionization made

the channel flood with static. "When you're done, give the word

and get secure—we'll be accelerating immediately."

"Yes, sir."
So far, so good, John thought. Just another minute or two.

A streamer of plasma appeared from nowhere. The tangled,

crisscrossed Slipspace around them dropped the bolt of boiling

fire fifty meters overhead; it moved port to starboard—and van-

ished back into the void.

The COM shattered into white noise, and the motion sensors

blurred. . . as did the active camouflage shielding of the six Elites

who had been slowly—and until a moment ago imperceptibly—

crawling toward their position.

"Enemy contacts!" John shouted.

He crouched behind the dome of a sensor node and opened

fire. A hail of bullets caught the closest Elite dead-center in its

chest. The gunfire punched through its shielding and then tore

into its armor. It tumbled backward and spun off the hull.

In his peripheral vision John saw the silent muzzle flashes from

his team. He glanced back; Fred and Grace hadn't moved. They

stared at the beads of molten alloy under their arc welder's tip.

As if Fred could read his mind, he said, "I need another twenty

seconds, Chief."

A volley of crystalline needles fired from one of the Elites

peppered the sensor node. The Master Chief returned fire, but

the Elite's camouflage kicked in and it faded from view.

Another plasma bolt sizzled close to the hull, this one thirty

meters to port. It was a river of fire that lit the surface of Ascen-
dant Justice
like a dozen suns. John's shields drained to a quarter.

"Okay, Chief," Fred told him, "I'm—"