Halo Lighting System First Strike Games User Manual

Page 180

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John tried not to think of this as Reach anymore—it was only

one more world the Covenant had taken.

"That canyon," Lieutenant Haverson said and pointed at a fis-

sure where the earth had been eroded in a sinuous twisting scar.

"Scanners are just picking up surface information. Let's get a

closer look."

"Understood." Polaski inverted the ship, executed a reversed

roll, and dropped into the canyon. When she righted the

drop-ship, sculpted rock walls raced past them only thirty

meters to either side.

The Lieutenant reached for the backpack COM system they

had removed from the Pelican. He fine-tuned the frequency of

the unusual signal they were homing in on; a six-tone message

played, followed by a two-second pause, and then it repeated.

"Open a channel on that E-band, Lieutenant," the Master

Chief said. "I'll need to send the countersignal."

"Channel open, Chief. Go ahead."

The Master Chief linked his COM and encrypted the channel

so only those people sending the signal would hear him. "Oly
Oly Oxen Free,"
he spoke into his microphone. "All out in the

free. We're all free."

The beeping over the backpack COM speaker suddenly stopped.

"Signal's gone." Lieutenant Haverson snapped his head around

and stared at the Master Chief. "I'm not sure what you just told

them, but whatever it was, they heard you."

"Good," the Master Chief replied. "Set us down somewhere

safe. They'll find us."

"There's an overhang ahead," Polaski said. She moved the

ship toward a deep shadow along the starboard side where

the cliff angled out from the canyon. "I'll put us down there."

She spun the ship, backed into the darkness, and set it down light

as a feather.

"Open the side hatch," the Chief told Polaski. "I'll go out

alone and make sure it's safe."

"Alone?" Lieutenant Haverson asked. He rose from his seat.

"Are you certain that's wise, Chief?"

"Yes, sir. This was my idea. If it's a trap, I want to be the one to

set it off. You stay here and back me up."