Halo Lighting System First Strike Games User Manual

Page 293

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The Master Chief outlined his mission plan, how he and his

team would take a Covenant dropship and insert into the ren-

dezvous location for the invading Covenant fleet. They would

then infiltrate their command-and-control center, the Unyielding
and destroy it; that would hopefully cripple the

Covenant force . . . or at least slow them down. Maybe even

enough to buy Earth time to reinforce their defenses.

The Admiral stared at the Chief without blinking and flatly

replied, "Mission request denied."

"Acknowledged, sir." He remained standing, at stiff attention.

Whitcomb frowned, as the other Spartans also snapped to at-

tention and remained stone-still. He sighed.

"I understand your motivations, Chief. I do. But I will not risk

transporting your team to the Covenant rendezvous point," the

Admiral explained. "If we lose this ship, Earth never gets its


"Sir," the Master Chief replied, "we will transition from

Slip-space to normal space alone. Once the dropship clears the

gravitational influence of the Gettysburg and the Ascendant
the Slipspace field will deteriorate and we will enter

normal space. You need never even stop. And only a minor

course correction puts the Gettysburg on the correct trajectory."

"Has a drop out of Slipspace ever been attempted in a ship so

small?" the Admiral asked. His heavy brows knitted together.

"Yes, sir," Cortana said. "Our Slipspace probes perform the

maneuver all the time, but the shearing stress and radiation are

considerable." She paused and looked toward John. "The Spartans,

however, in the MJOLNIR armor should be able to survive."

" 'Should,' " the Admiral echoed, his face grim. "As much as I

admire your daring, Chief, I still have to deny your request. You'll

need Cortana to get past the Covenant security systems. She has

to make it to Earth. With the data she's carrying on Halo, the

Flood, and Covenant technology, she's far too valuable to risk."

"Understood, sir," John replied. "I hadn't considered that."
Haverson slowly stood and brushed the sleeves of his tattered

uniform. "I'll volunteer to go on the Master Chief's mission," he

said. "I have extensive training in cryptology and Covenant
