Halo Lighting System First Strike Games User Manual

Page 321

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The light from the reactors shifted; blue plasma tinged white

and spread like a poison through the interconnecting conduits.

"Overload commencing," the copy of Cortana announced. "I

suggest Blue Team move at top speed to the exit."

A NAV triangle indicated a ladder that ran to the catwalk

overhead. John held up two fingers at Will and Fred and then

nodded to the patrolling Jackals. Fred and Will knelt, braced,

and waited for him to go ahead.

John climbed the ladder. As he neared the top, three shots rang

out behind him. The sound was nearly drowned out by the inten-

sifying reverberations from the reactors. He cleared the top

of the ladder and saw three dead Jackals on the catwalk. He

swept both directions with his rifle and then waved Will and Fred


His countdown timer read 9.47. The heat and light from the re-

actors grew stronger, and John's shields flared slightly.

Blue Team jogged down the catwalk to an elevator. They got

inside, the doors closed, and the car immediately ascended.

When the doors opened again, artificial blue sunlight filled

the car—as did the shadows cast by two Elites waiting for the

elevator. Blue Team opened fire and cut down the Elites, leaving a

spray of blood across the ground.

The Chief edged around the frame of the elevator door and

saw a tangle of pipes and fountains and one of the curious spiral

waterways that fell up from its center. This was a heat exchange

plant for the reactors below. Already the water in the canals

steamed and boiled.

He saw that Covenant Elite and Hunter pairs had converged at

the entrance to the temple a hundred meters to his right. Over the

temple dozens of Banshee fliers circled the carnage.

A gang of Grunts managed to clear an opening to the temple.

There was a flash of light and fire that roiled out in a long plume,

burning them as well as their Elite overseers.

"Good-bye, Grace," John whispered.

The detonation of her power pack would buy them more time

while the Covenant forces tried to figure out what just happened—

perhaps they'd think Blue Team was still inside the temple. Grace

had also taken out a dozen Grunts and four Elites with her last

action. That would have pleased her.