Halo Lighting System First Strike Games User Manual

Page 24

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Scorpion tanks for almost an hour. Grunts had charged across

the minefield and cleared a path for the Jackals and Elites.

Lieutenant Buckman, the Marines' CO, had been ordered to

send the bulk of his men into the forest in an attempt to flank the

enemy. He had called in air support, too.

He got it.

Reach HighCom must have realized the generators were in

danger of being overrun, so someone panicked and sent in

bombers to hit the forest in a half-klick radius. That wiped out

the Covenant assault wave. It also killed the Lieutenant and

his men.

What a waste.

Fred replaced the last of his armor components and powered

up. His status lights pulsed a cool blue. Satisfied, he stood and

activated the COM.

"Red-Twelve, give me a sit-rep."

Will's voice crackled over the channel. "Perimeter estab-

lished, Chief. No enemy contacts."

"Good," Fred replied. "Mission status?"

"Ten chainguns recovered and now provide blanketing fields

of fire around the generator complex," Will said. "We've got

three Banshee fliers working. We've also recovered thirty of

those arm-mounted Jackal shield generators, plus a few hundred

assault rifles, plasma pistols, and grenades."

"Ammo? We need it."

"Affirmative, sir," Will said. "Enough to last for an hour of

continuous fire." There was a short pause, then he added: "HQ

must have sent reinforcements at some point, because we've re-

covered a crate marked



"What's in it?"

"Six Anaconda surface-to-air missiles." Will's voice barely

concealed his glee. "And a pair of Fury tac-nukes."

Fred gave a low whistle. The Fury tac-nuke was the closest

thing the UNSC had in its arsenal to a nuclear grenade. It was the

size and shape of an overinflated football. It delivered slightly

less than a megaton yield, and was extremely clean. Unfortu-

nately, it was also completely useless to them in this situation.

"Secure that ordnance ASAP. We can't use them. The EMP

would fry the generators."