HP 4100 mfp User Manual

Page 152

background image

150 Index


characters misformed 100
check button 34
checking toner level 70
chlorofluorocarbons 132
choosing appropriate printer driver 59
circuit capacity 123

fuser automatically 73
fuser manually 73
paper path 73
printer automatically 40
product 71
toner from clothing 72

cleaning page 40, 73
Clear button 34
clearable warnings, setting default 41

address books 42
event log 42
persistent messages 86

clearing jams

from ADF (automatic document feeder) 84
from duplexer 81
from fuser area 83
from input tray areas 80
from output area 82
from top cover and print cartridge areas 79
locating source 78
messages on control panel 78
occurring repeatedly 85

clipped margins 103
clothing, cleaning toner from 72
collating (mopying)

factory defaults 47
messages 86
setting defaults 39
using 61


scan preference 39
scanning and sending 49
setting 51

commands for printer

HP-GL/2 147
PCL 147
PJL 147

compact disc

for HP Support Assistant 107
for service parts information 107

configuration bundles available for product 12
configuration page

for product 37
in embedded Web server 138

Configure Device menu 39

alerts 76
control panel messages 60
e-mail settings 143
LDAP 143
networked products remotely 18
Novell NetWare parameters 144
password 60
printer drivers 59
printer for IP printing 60
printers connected to network with HP Jetdirect print server 144
product 10, 137
scanner defaults 143
SMTP address for e-mail 143
support contact URLs 139

connecting embedded Web server 138
connections, testing gateway 39
conserving power, paper, and toner 132

consumables. See supplies
consumption of power 123
contact information for system administrator 143
contact URLs, configuring 139
contrast, setting default 39
control panel

buttons 34
changing settings for copying 46
clearing jam messages 78
configuration information 138
configuring messages 60
Copy Settings screen 36, 46
Describe Original screen 36
description 33, 34
features 34
layout 34
lights 34
locking functions 60
menu map 37
messages 86
navigating 35
Pause/Resume 37
screens 36
Send Options screen 36
status bar 35
testing hardware 42

control panel menus

Configure Device 39
description 33, 37
Diagnostics 42
I/O 41
Information 37
Paper Handling 38
Pause/Resume 37
Print Quality 40
reaching 37
Resets 42
Retrieve Job 37
Service 42
System Setup 41

copy count 35
copy jobs. See jobs
Copy Settings screen 36, 46

basic procedures 44
both sides 47
changing contrast 48
changing quality 48
default settings 44
delaying current job 32
description 13, 43
in color 49
increasing and decreasing image brightness 34
making a single copy 44
making multiple copies 44
one-touch 44
reducing and enlarging 48
setting defaults 39
setting parameters 46
setting timeout 41
using other than defaults 45
using user-defined settings 45


copies 35
pages, resetting 42


fonts printing as 103
selecting which font version 39
setting default 39

creased paper 101
crooked page 100