ProSoft Technology MVI56E-GSC/ GSCXT User Manual
Page 110

MVI56E-GSC ♦ CompactLogix or MicroLogix Platform
User Manual
Enhanced Generic ASCII Serial Communication Module
Page 110 of 140
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
May 9, 2014
However, the GSC.UTIL.BackplaneFail tag is the one exception to this read-only
rule for these tags. The GSC.UTIL.BackplaneFail tag is used to hold a
configuration value which can be used to control activity on application serial
ports whenever a specified number of successive backplane transfer errors
occur. You are expected to write a value to this tag as part of the module's
configuration. For more details, see GSC.UTIL.BackplaneFail (page 52).
4.5.4 Add-On-Defined Data Types
When you import the Add-On Instruction (AOI) rung , several new Add-On-
Defined Data Types (ADTs) are created for you, as well as the UDTs that were
also created. The ADTs contain special data-types required by the AOI, either for
special logic routines or to define the AOI interface with program logic. ADT
information is organized and contained on several tabs in the Data Types - Add-
On-Defined section of the RSLogix 5000 project tree.
General tab
Parameters tab
Local Tags tab
Scan Modes tab
Change History tab
Help tab
The content and use of each of these tabs will be discussed in more detail in the
following sections.
AOI56GSC - General Tab
The General tab provides:
1 Name of the Add-On Instruction (AOI)
2 Description
3 Type of logic used
4 Revision numbers
5 Revision Notes
6 Vendor ID
This information will help you determine whether or not you are using the latest
version of the AOI and will give you a few notes on what is different about this
version when compared with previous version. It is recommended that you make
no changes to the selections and entries on this tab.